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  1. angelusj

    Dv2024 winners, its that time of the year again

    Believe this is my 10th or 11th year, I'm beginning to lose count. Same, wife and I not selected again and thinking of just quitting as it is getting harder to uproot the whole family at this point.
  2. angelusj

    2024 visa

    It is clearly stated in the dv website: "DV-2024 Entrants may enter their confirmation information through the link below starting at noon (EDT) on May 6, 2023."
  3. angelusj

    DV 2020 All Selectees

    You need to first understand how the lottery selection process works including the density and holes theory. Britsimons's site explains this very well. On to your question (after you've read through that info), this year selected CNs are very high from some approximate calculation in Britsimon...
  4. angelusj

    dv lottery 2021 website not working

    I should have come back here and checked. Continuous error and i thought it was due to heavy traffic on the site...thought my 100kb pics would have been fine. I've another problem now, i managed to submit AFTER the deadline (as i just use Chrome and kept refreshing on page 1). System gave me...
  5. angelusj

    DV Lottery 2017 - Questions

    So much for being lazy, haha...such a hassle to get a decent shot of my son. Thanks dude, might as well be safe
  6. angelusj

    DV Lottery 2017 - Questions

    A dumb question to ask, feel alil worried after seeing some of the responses here. Can I re-use the DV photos of my wife, son and me from last year? I don't see an issue with the adults, we barely changed. And my son was 1 last year, 2 this year and will be 3+ years old by the time we're...
  7. angelusj

    DV Lottery 2017 - Questions

    @ Shekina: that's just the way the DV works, each adult (above age 21) needs to win by themselves. The only exception to this is married unfortunately, your mom can't tag along on the DV issued visa
  8. angelusj

    DV Lottery 2017 - Questions

    I'm from Malaysia, will fall into the Asia category. Odds are only 1% to win the lottery and so I'll not put such high hopes on it :) On another note, just went to the US embassy on Monday for tourist visa application. It has been approved today! Here I come San Fran, for a short 1 week break
  9. angelusj

    DV Lottery 2017 - Questions

    This will be my 3rd attempt, can't wait to submit again :D I'm 32 this year, will quit if I don't win the lottery by 35
  10. angelusj

    Dv2016 entry date

    You annoy me yet I'll 'entertain' you this time...if you were in certain Asian countries (I'm from Malaysia), 1st May and 3rd May are national public holidays for Intl Labour Day and Wesak Day. So, ppl have a long weekend from Fri till Mon (1-4 May) and go on holidays
  11. angelusj

    CEAC data update

    Sometimes, ignorance is do you treat a child who is throwing a tantrum? same thing applicable to unreasonable whiners :)
  12. angelusj

    dv 2016

    I'm from Malaysia and this is my 2nd time enrolling for the DV program. Such a nervous wait for May 5, can't imagine the disappointment if not picked again