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  1. 1

    My difficult and confusing n400 and citizenship

    Thank you Jackolantern. Everything is perfect with my marriege (never problems) and I did not travel outside of US since mid 90s; only Mexico via cruise when it was allowed to go with green card==not sure if it is allowed these days) but, since both of you suggest go with the 5 year rule I will...
  2. 1

    My difficult and confusing n400 and citizenship

    Thank you newacct. I will certainly apply again. My passport states born in Italy but statehood or citizenship Yugoslavia (former) as my parents must have changed it when I was a child and had to live in Yugo with grandparents; thus, I have to enter that info on application. Just wish they would...
  3. 1

    My difficult and confusing n400 and citizenship

    Thnx newacct. Any idea why they do not reply (and never replied after I applied). At least f they would reject sme o I know not to bother; that way I can at least get a passport from one of the euro countries. My passport is absolete (former Yugoslavia prior to 1990). Is it possible because I...
  4. 1

    My difficult and confusing n400 and citizenship

    Hi. I was wondering if someone would know or as some guidance about my situation. It all started in the year 2000 when I applied for US citizenship in NYC (I have permanent green card btw) and never received any kind of answer from them. I do not remember if I was fingerprinted or had an...