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  1. R

    DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

    So in your opinion does not matter from which country is the winner, talking about the EU. And which would be your opinion of us with a very high number, specifically 53xxx
  2. R

    DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

    Yes exactly what I mean, just look at how many Ukrainians elected and how many will have a chance to interview.
  3. R

    DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

    question for all. I have a theory that is not also have a large number in a large country or small. For example, we know that all the winners from the large country can not get a visa.
  4. R

    DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

    Thank for reply...
  5. R

    DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

    Question for Sloner Hi, I'm from Croatia and I have very high CN 53*** Whats your opinion, what are my chances for getting an interview?