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  1. S

    Detroit MI - N-400 Timeline

    Oath on 28th Aug in Cobo hall Friends Finally I am becoming US citizen for sure. I am so happy. Wish you guys best luck.
  2. S

    Detroit MI - N-400 Timeline

    Interview experience Detroit 08/17/09 Friends Today I had successful N-400 interview in down town Detroit (@ new USCIS center). Interview time was 1.00PM for my wife and 1.30PM for me. We reached there by 12.30PM. We were asked tp put the letter in the tray at window # 8. There were more than...
  3. S

    Detroit MI - N-400 Timeline

    I received interview letter yesterday. But I did not get CFR(yellow letter). I have been asked to bring Greencard, Passport, and Interview letter. Interview is on 17August09. I am holding my finger tight.
  4. S

    Detroit MI - N-400 Timeline

    Dear friends I applied N-400 on 23March09. I finished my FP, but I have not received CFR (yellow letter) so far. Even I didn't get IL. anybody know how many months it takes to get CFR and Interview letter? I will appreciate anyfeedback.
  5. S

    Detroit MI - N-400 Timeline

    You have done all right things. Please let us know what happens in your case.
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    Detroit MI - N-400 Timeline

    I think you are doing all right things. Let us know what happens in your case,
  7. S

    Detroit MI - N-400 Timeline

    Which documents are requested?
  8. S

    Detroit MI - N-400 Timeline

    Because of election, some people took more time for interview letter. I was told that process will go faster as number of applicants are reduced by 25% compared to last year. Any opinion on above statement?
  9. S

    Received interview letter?? in dilemma

    There is a post from one person that his FP letter was lost in mail. If you don't get FP letter with in 3 weeks of N-400 application date, call USCIS to find out if any FP notice was sent.
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    Lost FP Notice

    I thought that USCIS can send the FP notice again. I will suggest that you must write to USCIS to report the loss of letter and request to inform local FP office to provide help.
  11. S

    N-400 - sent 03/23

    N-400 - sent 03/23
  12. S

    Move after filing N-400

    I will adivice that go to your new place and apply for N-400 after 90 days. You will have peace of mind. Why there is hurry?
  13. S

    N-470 rejected >> need help

    My attorney also feels the same way. Per Chapter 72.2, it clearly says that rule is applicable only for International organization. See reference from the para 72.2 (page 9)...
  14. S

    N-470 rejected >> need help

    Do I need appeal the decision by filling form I-290B? I have only 30 days to appeal, if I want. This issue should not create problem for me during N-400 application. Need advice. Thanks SB
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    N-470 rejected >> need help

    I thought I meet all the requirements for N-470. I talked to 4 different lawyers apart from my company lawyers before putting the application. I had continuous uninterupted presence of one year to meet the N-470 requirement and I went abroad to develope business of US company in Germany. I was...
  16. S

    N-470 rejected >> need help

    Dear Sir I got my greencard from one of the reputed automotive company in Detroit. After 4 years from Greencard, I had taken 2 years assignment in Germany which really lasted only for 5 months. Before I depart to Germany company applied for Reentry permit and N-470 form. Last week (7 months...
  17. S

    Residency Requirements - Travel for Work

    I think you should be fine. You meet all the requirements for Citizenship. Make sure that you show the intesion of staying in US in the future. sbarhate
  18. S

    Can I file N-400 during expat assignment

    Anybody know, how much it takes for N-470 approval? Sbarhate
  19. S

    Detroit N-400 timeline

    Guys If you have applied for GC from Detroit area, please put your timeline for other members to get time gudgement. Thanks Sbrahte
  20. S

    Can I file N-400 during expat assignment

    How much time it takes for N470 approval? Do I need to wait for approval before I can apply for N-400 application?