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  1. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    hzss12, so less than 1 month to go! Why did you chose Washington? Would you like to settle there, or that is not the final destination? big_HUG congratulations to you! When do you plan to move to the States?
  2. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Szia Kormoscica, jöhet az is akinek még nincs zöldkártyája?
  3. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Sztibi, gratulálok!
  4. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Úgy írtam be, ahogy a jelentkezési doksin van. Első betű nagy, a többi kicsi. Próbáld meg torolni az előzményeket, es újra inditani a böngészőt, hátha segít.
  5. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Sziasztok, nekünk sem jött össze.
  6. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Petron, Milyen munkád lenne? Hatékony vagy :)
  7. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Szia, Az az oldal jól megszűnt... Szerintem sokan nem találnak ide, vagy eszükbe sem jut, hogy van ilyen fórum. Mi is a sorsolásra várunk, meg 5 nap! Szerintem nem szüntetik meg a programot, ha akarták volna, mar januárban megtehették volna. Náluk se hasit annyira a gazdaság, kell a...
  8. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    It's good to hear news about you, Juicee! Keep us updated, we are curious!
  9. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Hi Bukfenc, we are not selectees neither. I can't urge enough time to be on 1st May... You can try to write in English, it is really not a problem if you have mistakes. All of us has started like you :) I work in the area of Finance, I really don't know what would be my chances. Ususally...
  10. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Hi zsofeeb, how was your interview? :)
  11. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Today is your day :) Have a safe trip!
  12. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Juicee, I see in your signature, that you leave on 19th? That it is only 3 days to go!! :D You must be very busy now. For how long time will you stay at first?
  13. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Congratulation Clearwater! I am really happy with you :)
  14. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Good luck to you, Juicee!
  15. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Thank you for the photo answers! Clearwater70 and Juicee, good luck for, I am sure, that everything will be good! :)
  16. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Congratulations! :D When do you plan to go to the US? Now Clearwater is the next, and short after that Juicee comes! Question to all of you: I am very interested in it, that those, who were selected, had photo taken for your registration at a professional photographer, or it was taken by...
  17. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Good job, congratulations! :)
  18. L

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Good evening, everyone :) I hope I can join you. I am Lidia from the newcomers, but as I see, that page was cancelled (?). It is very interesting to read your experiences, I hope I can profit from it. We are not selected yet, just waiting for June.