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  1. C

    N-400 Residency Questions -

    So From what I can tell the 5 yr requirement is that you need to have your green card for more than 5 yrs. If you break your permanent residency status you need to wait 4yr + 1 day from your return to become eligible again to apply for N-400. Is that accurate?
  2. C

    N-400 Residency Questions -

    Hi Everyone, What are your thoughts on when I can officially file for N-400 safely without having issues. Green Card - 01/1998 Resided in US (NY) 1995-09/2003 Moved to School (Canada) 09/2003 -05/1/2008 (Never being out of US for more than 5-6 month) **N-400 Rejection as I was away...