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  1. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Hi everybody, we are flying with the whole family (3 kids!!!) on the 17th of October to Toronto where our friends live. We will enter the States through Buffalo and go back to Toronto on the same day. Then our kids will stay in Canada while we will be travelling for interviews to some cities. We...
  2. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Hi hzss12, what about your SSN card? You haven't received it yet? And could you give some information about the process of the entry? Thnx in advance: Clearwater
  3. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Good for you, Juicee... I wish you that all your expectations will be fulfilled in the States!!! And we can't wait for the news how things went after landing!!!
  4. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Good luck!And please write us everything you've experienced!
  5. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Yes, the consular wears glasses and has middle length dark hair and she smiled all the time :) This friendly atmosphere was very helpful for me! I didn't felt for a moment that for all the questions my husband should answer on his own... so first HE spoke, then after he had finished speaking I...
  6. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    We've got it! Today we had our interview at the Embassy and it was successful! Here are the details: We arrived 10 minutes before the scheduled date, it was 10 to 10:00 AM. Every person who already had ID card had to show it through the glass and then they let us enter inside the security...
  7. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Please think on us/pray for us etc. on Monday round 10 o'clock! We (My selected husband, me and 3 kids age 17, 14 and 11) will have our interview... After it I promise that I will write everything we have experienced there. :) Thanx...
  8. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    My husband is the selected one... and his problem is that although he learns and listens and practices the English language every day he struggles with his lack of self-confidence in the area of speaking. As I see his level is a strong A2 or probably B1.
  9. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Did you tell the same to the consul at the interview? We have a similar schedule plan: after the interview we will start to search for job via internet. And if we could have more serious offers then me and my husband will fly to the USA. But we plan to come back for the summer and enter the USA...
  10. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Hi, Lidia, for the registration we made the photos by ourselves. But we were not content with them but I managed to find a man on the internet who lives in the States and helps for anybody FOR FREE to correct the photos. His name is Csaba Gerencser and this is his e-mail address:
  11. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Thanks for the advises. We have a couple of relatives overall in the States (uncles, cousins, friends) but we are not sure where to start. USA is too big :) I could close my eyes and just pin anywhere on the map... But as you advise it would be better to find out something more accurate :) we...
  12. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    (Guys, how did you put the data about your Green Card below your messages? I mean this part: CN : 2013EU... Entered DV-2013 : 1st NL : etc... )
  13. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Wow! That's what I meant: a quite detailed report. Thank you so much - and I am glad with you! What a relief to be after a successful interview! Btw. we tried the lottery for the very first time, too :) My question could seem to be a bit personal because I am interested in whether you plan to...
  14. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Congrat! Can't wait for the details :)
  15. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Dear hzss12, will you report after your interview? I am interested in the smallest details!!! Thanks in advance and good luck!!!
  16. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    That's the problem: I didn't write on my application that I need it for American immigrant visa... But... I read on their website that in case of making mistakes you do not have to pay again, just make the correction needed. So I went to the office and talked to them and they gave me a...
  17. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    On Friday I have sent the requests for our Police Certifications. Today I have just read about in this forum and just realized that I screwed up the whole application... Damned it! Tomorrow I will try to go to Vaskapu str. to ask about changes... I don't wanna pay again 3X3100 HUF for these...
  18. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Hi everybody, we have been at the doctor on Monday and today and everything is fine. For me and my husband it costed 33.510 HUF, for my daughter who is almost 17 costed 19.000 HUF (she needed only medical examination and the syphilis test), for my elder son 9.000 HUF (he had just a simple...
  19. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Hi everybody, there is a new fee Called "USCIS Immigrant Fee". You can read about it more here:
  20. C

    DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point

    Adattovabbitas iranti kerolap vs. Hatosagi Erkolcsi Bizonyitvany Kiallitasa Iranti Kerolap :) I searched a bit on the web in the theme "Erkolcsi Bizonyitvany" and I just found this: "Hatósági erkölcsi bizonyítvány Az egyszerűsítési program célját, a hatósági erkölcsi bizonyítvány...