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  1. B

    USPS, UPS, or FEDEX ?

    Does it make a difference which one is picked for express delivery? I realize USPS must probably be addressed to the Dallas, TX address, while UPS and FEDEX are addressed to Lewisville, TX. (That's of course for the Eastern half of the country.) Other than that, is there any evidence that...
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    Continuous Residence Confusion

    Evidence showing you maintained your place to reside in the United States during those times when you were away. Examples for such evidence may be: rental contracts, proof of rent payments, or mortgage payments if you are the owner of that residence, and utility bills on your name, etc.
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    Worked abroad and Continuous residence,

    A better option might be to talk to a good lawyer. Yet another might be just to file a N-400, and risk denial (which costs a few hundred dollars, but does not affect future applications). Waiting 5 years could be risky because another contingency might come up and one might have to leave again.
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    Worked abroad and Continuous residence,

    From 8 C.F.R. "§ Sec. 316.5 Residence in the United States. (a) General . Unless otherwise specified, for purposes of this chapter, including Sec. 316.2 (a)(3), (a)(5), and (a)(6), an alien's residence is the same as that alien's domicile, or principal actual dwelling place, without regard...
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    Worked abroad and Continuous residence,

    It seems clear that during those 5 months "your actual dwelling place in fact" was NOT the United States. Nevertheless, I think that absence does not violate the continuous residence requirement. The reason is, 1. the absence in question was less than 6 months, 2. it appears that you were...
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    Continuous Residence Confusion

    Even if each absence is less than 180 days, back-to-back absences may result in your being asked for evidence to show you maintained your "residence" in the United States. If you worked abroad during those absences, it's a particular negative for your naturalization application.
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    Moving while N-400 application is in process

    The delay does not appear too bad I also notice the whole process was not that slow. You had a FP on 09/20, and had interview on 01/19 (within 4 months of FP). I think you did not give the application date, but assuming it was around 09/04, the whole process was 4.5 months upto the...
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    Moving while N-400 application is in process

    USCIS had the transfer request, but the address on their record was still the old address Congratulations walletless! I notice one thing though. San Jose DO sent the interview letter to you on 10/25, one day before you filed AR-11. You had requested the transfer of N-400 earlier, yes, on...
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    For early filed N-400, 8 CFR incoherent on timing of the 3-month State or DO residence requirement

    My situation Jackolantern, thank you again for this explanation. Here is an example that pretty much is my situation. Suppose an applicant lives (and has lived) in district A, and April 1 is the end of his 5-year period. This person is able to do an early filing on January 1. But the...
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    For early filed N-400, 8 CFR incoherent on timing of the 3-month State or DO residence requirement

    Let's stop the hate The offered explanation looked to me as if it was aiming at sarcasm rather than answering my question. I am guessing the real reason you hate me is that in another thread I revealed your (and others’) error regarding how to count days, all the while the answer was...
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    For early filed N-400, 8 CFR incoherent on timing of the 3-month State or DO residence requirement

    BigJoe5's answer does not contain any useful information about the question posed The supposed answer above gives no answer or any real information about the questions posed in this thread. It was posted probably just to have fun. Or perhaps it gives info (by a former IO?) how the IOs look for...
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    For early filed N-400, 8 CFR incoherent on timing of the 3-month State or DO residence requirement

    The former, because I might have to move. (Not for fun.)
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    For early filed N-400, 8 CFR incoherent on timing of the 3-month State or DO residence requirement

    I am not certain if this is what that clause means. That clause would definitely mean this if we deleted the part "and the three month period falls within the required period of residence under Section 316(a) or 319(a) of the Act." If lawmakers really wanted to mean what you suggest, they would...
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    For early filed N-400, 8 CFR incoherent on timing of the 3-month State or DO residence requirement

    The Adjudicator Field Manual copies essentially the same language. Consequently, it is not very coherent either. Which leads to the question, what do the interview officers do, how do they decide?
  15. B

    For early filed N-400, 8 CFR incoherent on timing of the 3-month State or DO residence requirement

    One also wonders.. In addition to that problem, one wonders what do the following exactly mean: * "the required period of residence under Section 316(a)" Technically 316(a) requires continuous residence starting 5 years (or 4.75 years) before the filing date up to the oath, including...
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    For early filed N-400, 8 CFR incoherent on timing of the 3-month State or DO residence requirement

    What does the following really say? 8 CFR 316.2 says: "(a) ... an alien must establish that he or she: ... (5) Immediately preceding the filing of an application, or immediately preceding the examination on the application if the application was filed early pursuant to Section 334(a) of the...
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    N-400 Continuous Residency Work Abroad (Tricky One)

    To be fair, being a foreigner in the US is probably 10 times better than being a foreigner in some other country. Credit where it's due..
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    N-400 Continuous Residency Work Abroad (Tricky One)

    This was just so unfair, and incorrect. Are you mad because you feel it’s not fair LPRs can go back and take jobs in their home country, when other Americans are having to suffer through the crisis here? You might think those LPRs are having the best of the two worlds. But let me tell you it...
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    N-400 Continuous Residency Work Abroad (Tricky One)

    Why the negative reaction? In any event, I am aware I do not have the seniority in this forum to challenge you guys (BigJoe5, Jackolantern and some others). You as a group are who make up this forum, and I did not mean any offence. I called the response cryptic because I could not see how the...
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    N-400 Continuous Residency Work Abroad (Tricky One)

    I am also curious as to how folks would answer this particular question I posed earlier (I am copying it here with apology for the repetition): To give more detail, suppose the person will be abroad for 5 months in each absence, for a total of 2 years of physical absence from the US over the...