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  1. F

    Options available ...

    Hi, I am applying for F1 visa this fall in india. i hold a valid H1 visa. If my F1 gets rejected is that the end of line or Can I come back on a valid H1 visa and later apply for a change of status to F1. Please help.
  2. F

    Options available ...

    Hi, I am applying for F1 visa this fall in india. i hold a valid H1 visa. If my F1 gets rejected is that the end of line or Can I come back on a valid H1 visa and later apply for a change of status to F1. Please help.
  3. F

    Reg F1 stamp ...

    I like to know if F1 visa is rejected in India, will there be a stamp on the passport stating the same.
  4. F

    Applying for F1.....

    I am right now on H1 in US.I am planning to go to India to apply for F1 to join grad school this fall. If my F1 is rejected can i come back on H1 provided it is still valid and I have maintained legal status. Please reply.
  5. F

    Change from H1 to F1

    No Title I think i haven\'t worded my question properly. I already have an admission and planning to join this fall. I need to take a decision in the next few days. An answer in this context will be definitely useful.
  6. F

    Change from H1 to F1

    I right now on H1.I am planning to enroll in grad school full time. If I apply for F1 visa in india and if it gets rejected, Can I come back on H1 and apply for a change of status provided i maintain status in my H1 visa. Will the fact that my F1 is rejected in my country have an impact on my...