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  1. I

    In removal proceeding cos i didn't mention child's birth in my filings, pls help!!!

    Thank you all. I have made appointment with an attorney for monday. All the inputs here are giving me clues as to what might be going on. Anyway, the letter stated that I am ineligible for naturalization based on section 318 of INA. What does that mean?. I just read down the letter again, the...
  2. I

    In removal proceeding cos i didn't mention child's birth in my filings, pls help!!!

    I have checked all my paper work and has not seen . any other discrepancies to best of my knowledge. This is the only case they have against me as far as i know and the letter said.
  3. I

    In removal proceeding cos i didn't mention child's birth in my filings, pls help!!!

    yes she is usc ever before we got married and statrted the gc process
  4. I

    In removal proceeding cos i didn't mention child's birth in my filings, pls help!!!

    Hi jayoa, i have answered the questioned you asked me, read my postings, I need help here and cant hide any vital info that will help ok
  5. I

    In removal proceeding cos i didn't mention child's birth in my filings, pls help!!!

    I did mention my ex wife in all the paper work and also submitted a divorce decree. My current wife is a USC.
  6. I

    In removal proceeding cos i didn't mention child's birth in my filings, pls help!!!

    My wife is a USC. My ex wife is not, We were married in my native country but we were divorced before the child was born here. I got married to my current wife a year or so after the child was born. I got my green card from my current wife and we have been living together ever since then. we...
  7. I

    In removal proceeding cos i didn't mention child's birth in my filings, pls help!!!

    misleading info costing me possible deportaiont thanks all, I have checked all my files gc application, removal of condition and citizenship and passed out. I did not mention any child. Is there anyway out?. Has there been any similar case like mine?. I was so stupid, somebody should flog me so...
  8. I

    In removal proceeding cos i didn't mention child's birth in my filings, pls help!!!

    thanks for replying. The bona fide of the marriage was never in question at all. My daughter was born before the marriage to my current wife and my name is on the brith certificate.
  9. I

    In removal proceeding cos i didnt include childs birth in all of my application

    I am married to a us citizen and filed after 5yrs of our marriage. Interview for citizenship was fine but was told that they will ge tback to me. I received a denial letter after 4months, after a week of this letter, i got notice to appear for removal proceeding today in the mail. The date is...
  10. I

    In removal proceeding cos i didn't mention child's birth in my filings, pls help!!!

    I am married to a us citizen and filed after 5yrs of our marriage. Interview for citizenship was fine but was told that they will ge tback to me. I received a denial letter after 4months, after a week of this letter, i got notice to appear for removal proceeding today in the mail. The date is...