Hi, if a candidate seeking naturalization has received unemployment benefits any time during the period from green card through naturalization application, is it held against the candidate (or the dependent spouse of the candidate, also applying for naturalization) in any way?
Does the...
Thanks again, BigJoe5. She has no other issues that could affect her admissibility.
She did not seek a re-entry permit since I assumed that re-entry permits are required only for absences *exceeding* a full year. Am I correct in that assumption?
In fact, her original return flight to the...
That's quite encouraging, thanks sanjoseaug20! I now believe my wife and I can both apply for naturalization together. I'll collect and organize all relevant supporting documents starting now!
When she returns from her trip now (after 6.5-7 months of overseas stay), will my wife, as a...
I am her husband, living in the US and paying rent, car + renters' insurance etc, taxes, etc, all along, and not having gone abroad during that time.
Regarding other overseas trips undertaken:
We are now in the fourth month of our third year after obtaining our green cards.
During the...
Thanks a lot, BigJoe5!
No, the issue for parents was nothing life-threatening. Having suffered a fall several months ago, her father experienced reduced mobility, and she stayed longer to help around with household affairs till her father could rest a lot and recover. He did not go through...
My questions pertain to the 6 month limit on overseas trips.
My wife and I are permanent residents for a little over 2 years. My wife is currently on an overseas trip that may exceed a duration of 6 months (but will be much much less than a year). An unforeseen need has arisen with...
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