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    Tourist visa for UK

    here some information about it.... enefits The UK tourist visa lasts for up to two years if it is granted for multiple entries. A person can stay on a visitor visa for a maximum of six months except for medical visitors who can extend their leave to remain if required. As outlined above, the...
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    Apply Visa for Canada

    You might fallow thi s
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    Most difficult country to get a visa in

    USA ofcourse
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    Be aware of these Child Abusers in California!!!

    mmmmmm Ok thx for the info I supposed.
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    American Dream?

    I agree ....maybe now its the european dream
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    Are you pro or con Arizona's new Law on Immigration?

    I don't agree with it. How can your tax dollars be paying for an illegal immigrant?? They have no ssn or anything, therefore they can not receive any state help. The have to work, it may be under the table and they may be here illegally, but really, they are the ones doing the jobs no one else...
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    what do you personally think about Obama?

    I think he is O V E R R A T E D
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    Old tv show which you love very much....

    FRIENDS OF COURSE one of the best american comedies ever
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    why do people hav faith ?

    Faith is something personal, something you feel inside your self. By definition, faith means to believe that something exists without any proof. You cannot explain that. If you could explain faith, then it would not be faith... In the same way that a mathematician believes that pi (3,14159...)...
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    Which country is best for business ?

    it depends what bussiness..
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    Your First Time Getting High

    My first time getting hight was last year I and friend of me went to his house just to give me some pop to smoke hehehe we were at the apartment.....then 2 more friends arrived. it was good but I dont do it anymore was a just-once-thing
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    What's your biggest secret?

    I raped a 7 year old boy