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  1. O

    Can a now-resident claim social security accrued while working illegally?

    This question is not relevant to me personally, but I've been researching a lot on immigration lately and am now curious about it. If someone becomes legal, can they claim social security benefits that they accrued while working illegally? I know social security numbers must come into play...
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    Would my open immigration case affect a new immigration case?

    My dad, who is a permanent resident, petitioned for my mother and I a long time ago. My mom got approved for a visa, but she'd have to travel to Dominican Republic, our homeland so to speak. We haven't wanted to go abroad to get our visas in case we get barred from reentry. I am 20 years old...
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    Okay, thank you. I'll have my dad write a letter to immigration to ask if they can check our records to see if we are eligible.
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    The received day says May 28, 2001. I was 9, I am 19 now. My dad was a resident then, is still a resident now.
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    I didn't know what to title this, I apologize, but here is my problem as best as I can describe it: My dad is the petitioner, my mom is the beneficiary, and I would be eligible through her. Anyway, my mom got a letter from the Visa Center in 2005 saying that she was eligible for a visa...