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  1. 4

    April 2001 RD please post details let us maintain this

    RD 04/01 ND 5/10/01 Fp 3/02 AD???  
  2. 4

    Detroiter FP waiters -- Finally got notice on 01/18/02

    RD 4/01 ND 5/01 No FP yet .... Any Idea  
  3. 4

    Detroiter FP waiters -- Finally got notice on 01/18/02

    DONZ did u get the FP notice Did u get the FP notice or ur lawyer. I hope I will get mine soon also...........Thanks
  4. 4

    Detroiter FP waiters -- Finally got notice on 01/18/02

    DONZ Did u get yellow form also  
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    Detroit FP waiters Update

    DONZ, Did u get yellow form with ur FP  
  6. 4

    Detroit FP waiters Update

    RD 04/20/01 ND 5/10/01 No FP yet Still Waiting........
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    FP in St. Louis

    Govinda... I am in the same boat RD 4/01 ND 5/01 No FP yet.  
  8. 4

    FP in St. Louis

    Govindaa... I did not call IIO. One of my friend just got FP notice and applied onw week before one. I think we should be getting one soon...
  9. 4

    FP Notice for Detroit (02/2001 to 05/2001)

    RD 04/23/01 ND 05/10/01 No FP Yet..... No luck so far. Just waiting.......
  10. 4

    Any Apr/May RD/ND waiting for FP/Approval...Post here

    RD 04/20/01 ND 5/10/01 No FP yet....  