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  1. I

    Dv 2012

    I am filled with pride to announce that my prediction regarding this lottery was not wrong. I had said that I was not going to win - and I didn't! I should bet against myself next time. On a serious note, congratulations to all those who won!
  2. I

    Dv 2012

    I sure don't.
  3. I

    Dv 2012

    Absolutely. Having a green card certainly makes your life easier - hell, it's just a step way from becoming a citizen. But it's certainly a futile attempt if you hope to get it solely through the lottery.
  4. I

    Dv 2012

    Thanks, I appreciate it. I also think it's just about being picked and the number of years play no role. But best of luck to you as well. Are you currently in the US?
  5. I

    Dv 2012

    Oh, actually a lot of people believe that first-timers have a better chance to win. I don't remember exactly how many years I have been playing, but I think it's been at least eight or seven.
  6. I

    Dv 2012

    Yes, we shall see. How many years have you been playing?
  7. I

    Dv 2012

    Some gloomy reality I personally think I am not going to be selected. And it's not because I am a pessimist or because I think there is a "scheme" by which people get un-randomly selected. The reason is that there are too many applicants and too few selectees for even fewer slots. Hence, my...
  8. I

    Dv 2012

    Guys, I am not exactly a religious person, but let me tell you few things: 1) Relax. 2) Whatever happens - happens. You can't change it. Life goes on. 3) Never lose your determination. Even hundreds of unsuccessful attempts mean nothing. 4) If you don't win, don't consider yourself...
  9. I

    Dv 2012

    You think that each starts at sunset because the Bible says so? Goodness, the US is a secular country and it is not governed by a holy book. This forum is turning into an evangelical festival.
  10. I

    DV 2012 Applicants and Lucky Winners

    To answer your own question, just consider that there are atheists and agnostics who neither pray to nor believe in [a] God, and yet win.
  11. I

    Dv 2012

    First, proving or disproving divinity was beyond the scope of my post. Keep your beliefs to yourself. I care not about them. Second, this is an immigration forum, so let's keep talk immigration.
  12. I

    Dv 2012

    I find it rather sad and pathetic that some people are so eager to immigrate to the United States and yet they can't even tolerate the idea of dissent. Mind you, the United States is an extremely diverse country and one should certainly expect to find people who disagree with him or her on many...
  13. I

    Dv 2012

    Don't despair. Take instead my advise: First and foremost, FORZA JUVENTUS. Second, if you are an F-1 student, apply for OPT immediately (assuming you graduate in May/June). That will give you at least several months to find a job. In case you find a job, you will have a year to work in the...
  14. I

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Congratulations and hope you will get your visa! How many years have you been playing?
  15. I

    Timing of DV 2011 NL deliveries to the US addresses

    Yes, I am currently in the US.
  16. I

    Timing of DV 2011 NL deliveries to the US addresses

    Yes, after so many years of playing the lottery I can definitely say that it's a sad and frustrating process.
  17. I

    Timing of DV 2011 NL deliveries to the US addresses

    I am in the same situation as your friend. I don't think anyone has a clear answer to your question, but more people tend to think that this year's lottery is over for US addressees. Anyways, we still have almost a month to see the final results, so the best thing we can do at this point is to...
  18. I

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    I think you should read visa bulletins for each month to check if your case number has become current. You have to keep checking until the end of the fiscal year in the United States and if your number doesn't become current by then, your chances of getting your gc are gone. Also, I would...
  19. I

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Although I am not really a specialist in visa matters, but your number seems to be rather high. What's the date of your letter?
  20. I

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Have there been any US-based winners lately (other than those who were notified in late April/early May)? I hope that the second wave of letters is coming soon...