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  1. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    Thanks make a lot of sense...but I will hire me a lawyer...
  2. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    For my own sake..I think I need is not an issue...I will hire one next week
  3. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    I am really confused...because the question EVER....I don't want to be rejected once again...
  4. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    You are correct sir..exaltly what happens
  5. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    I waited until now to reapply before on the mentioned wait 5 years after interview date to built good moral C before applying again... You make a lot of sense..since I was allow to change it on Old N400 application, therefore, I disclose it then...and now the answer should be...
  6. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    Yes I should have appeal...If I have this forum then yes I will...why did I ? ignorant at the time...Hope I have know about this forum them..yes by not appealing make it seam like I agree with the decision then....I agree with you..on that... Any how..what I should, would, had, it is...
  7. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    Yes Mr Bobsmyth...I did disclose it at the interveiw with disposition...I was not was an incident with a then girlfriend..and the charges were dropped..No pros..It is not like I went to rob someone like refering my life to be... The IO made his decision base on the fact...
  8. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    WBH.. Thanks for attacking my person..we come to this site to get advise..I am telling the honest truth of this arrest...what do you life is full of dramatic..experiences...I am a business professionl..making over 6 figure a year..married with two children..what are you talking...
  9. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    Yes Mr Bobsmyth...At the interview, the IO asked me if was arrest or not..and I say yes..and he allow me to check yes on the question on the application and initial it.....Yes, about an arrest is for the rest of your life...but again, going though the application ...I just went on and check...
  10. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    Hey Guys I was going over the question again...It says..EVER...meaning the answer should be YES with an explanation letter...Now answering yes such a question could be compremizing...Debate
  11. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    You guys rock...Wow all of the sudden , I have a lot of ideas...Thank you so much...You guys agree with me that this question was tricky when it comes to my case..I have been going back and forth with my wife about this for the last week...
  12. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    Well it was an honest mistake..I was not trying to withheld this info from them...I apply in 2005 and the arrestt was in 1994...I totaly forgot about it...
  13. K

    How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400

    Here is my story, Five years ago, I was denied citizenship because of an arrest I forgot to disclose on my then N-400..Case was dismiss later...Receive a letter to that regard to provide a full background check before interview...At the interview, I disclose it and god is my witness..I just...