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  1. M

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    hi spurgunda ! please scan the first page of your mail and clear the name, your address and ... with a software like photoshop. for example u can see this:
  2. M

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Hi guys. Yes it is very good if we have a peaceful discuss; but me and others like me want to get information about 2011 lottery winners in "DV-2011 Winners Report Here!" I don't think our way is wrong! well now we see 95% of posts are not about the topic. why I have been ponished for an...
  3. M

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    I have a suggestion for thread managers. Please make a new thread for lottery winners report and only allow winners to have one quote there. because here there is 746 quote and 3 report !!! and if some body want to explore all of these quotes should in holiday !!! Thanx for pay attention. Mehran