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  1. C

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    haha this is fun!!!!!!!!!!! Reading al about fake or real NL makes my stress in waiting for that white envelope a little less lol, And if the claim for a 2011 Nl is fake then I'm not the one that has to live with that lie :p Keep it up guy's......... Nothing for Europe yet :mad:
  2. C

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Hi Diafa, Im native from Belgium so Im playing Europe and because Belgium is a veeeeeeeeeeeery smal country :rolleyes: you dont see alot of winners , if you look at the stats from past years i think DVV2010 there where about 85 winners when you look at Germany i think it was around 3000. And...
  3. C

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Hi , Im a newby on the forum but just like you guys Im also looking forward to the mail every day afther work, So nothing to report out of Louisiana for now. Maybe we get some good news tomorow............. Keep our fingers crost