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  1. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Congrats everyone who recently became US citizen. I went to my ceremony yesterday and I'm proudly an American citizen now. To those who're still waiting, hang in there and good luck. God bless everyone!
  2. R

    Question about going to the oath ceremony

    I'm going to my oath ceremony tomorrow (Paramount Theater in Oakland, CA) and would like to ask some questions: 1) what is the appropriate attire for men? I will be going to work after the ceremony so my normal work attire is business shirt (long sleeve buttondown shirt) + slack + light...
  3. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Thanks. Last time I checked (~ 2 weeks ago) my online status was still stuck at Testing and Interview and the date was still on 2/2/10. The oath letter just showed up via postal mail.
  4. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Wow... that'll be cutting it really close :) I too have a trip outside the country beginning on May 1, but my oath date is April 14 so I still have about 2 weeks. Good luck to you and hopefully it'll work out fine. BTW, where's the ceremony location for San Jose? Is it still the Campbell...
  5. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    There's a schedule posted by user "phillies" at the beginning of this thread... I can't post the link, but look for post #5.
  6. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    My oath letter came from the SF office and was postmarked in SF as well.
  7. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Thanks, sunny. Sorry I don't remember where my interview letter came from. Are you in SF too?
  8. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Woohoo... finally got my oath letter in the mail today. The letter was postmarked yesterday. So April 14th it is for me at Oakland Paramount Theater. Yaay.. I'm one step closer :)
  9. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Yeah, I guess so :) My interviewer was officer Louie. BTW, I just noticed that your interview date was 3/4/10, so yours was 4 days earlier than the user "phillies", but phillies is already sworn in today.
  10. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    How did you get the phone number for your local office?
  11. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Hey undersampling... looks like you're in SF too? So we're in the same boat. No... I figure after they transferred your case to the local office, the online case status is no longer up to date. I had my interview on 3/9/10 and am currently waiting for the oath letter. But my case status...
  12. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Congrats phillies! Let us know how it goes tomorrow. Still no letter for me as of today, so looks like April 14th for me (I hope it is).
  13. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    I see... if I don't make the ceremony this month, I'm hoping I get to go on April 14th. Maybe I'll see you there too :)
  14. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Yup... I got my green card back in 2001 :) So your interview date was 3/8 which was the same as phillies and one day earlier than mine. No oath letter for you either?
  15. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Nice! So the oath letter just arrived today? Hmm... if everything is in sequence, then I might get my letter tomorrow. We'll see... BTW, can you check your USCIS online case status? Did yours change recently? Mine is still no change since last update on 2/2/10.
  16. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    hey phillies, have you heard anything about your ceremony date? I haven't heard / received anything... even the status on my USCIS online account hasn't changed since 2/2/10 :(
  17. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Yes, however my IO instructed me to sign my photos on the front side along the left vertical edge.
  18. R

    Oath Letter Tracker for MARCH 2010 Interviews

    Hello, I'm "rebates" in San Francisco... 12/24/09 Mailed application to Phoenix (Priority Mail) 12/28/09 Application received + Priority date 12/31/09 Check cashed 01/15/10 Fingerprint notification (FP on 1/28/10) 01/25/10 Fingerprint walk-in 02/01/10 Received interview letter (interview on...