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  1. C

    A Thankful Note on the VERY SUCCESS of Meeting @ Mogul :) Simply WONDERFUL.

    No Title Thanks Chutney and Hanuman for your efforts. Hanuman is a dynamite with a lot of ideas.Your enthusiasm is infectious. It was nice to meet you all. In the moment of agony, your meet was relaxing and boosted our confidence. I hope our friendships grows to achieve something great.
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    Does INS work on Saturdays(or)Weekends?

    No Title What about the National Holidays You forgot to take in to account, the 10 or 11 national holidays. Then 252 will become 241 or 242.
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    help: I-94 expired &485 approval!

    No Title Don\'t worry. You should be fine as long as you dont blabber before INS official. My friend\'s I-94 had expired, his 6 year period ended and the H1 extension was applied. He went to Newark and stamped his PP without any hassles. It is the people who give unnecessary explanations and...
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    With in VSC NJ is faster than NY in 485 approval ???

    No Title Dont believe your attorneys fully. This is a diversionary tactics they employ. INS doesn\'t differentiate between states. What your attorney says is absolute bullshit
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    Question on the RFE received for I-485

    No Title You can take a print out from TurboTax, Sign it again and send it. It should be OK. Also attach a photocopy of your W-2
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    Just Talke to IIO....

    No Title Winner2 .. Buddy ! you are a changed man. My problem is my tone and the views ahead of time. Good to note that many (including you) agree to my opinion \'Its not worth calling IIO\' I wish you good luck
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    Approved on 07/18 !!

    No Title Congratulations!! Great thread started by you. May be you can continue to post Your SEARS card approval, Your Spouse\'s maternity approval, Your lease renewal approval, Car loan approval and other vital approvals. We are immensely benefitted by your posting.
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    A number in Medical Exam left blank, please help!!

    No Title A# is allocated after I-485 receipt. Even in I-485 application, this column is generally left blank. You will know your A# when you get your FP notice. This is the practice with VSC. I dont know about other centers.
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    October 2000 Approval !! Good news

    As per Immitracker record, 1 case of October last week was approved. This person seems to be Raphraj\'s friend. If it is real, there is every reason for us to be happy. Anyhow I dont see any ND with Sep 2000 approved??? Hi guys, please collect more information on October 2000 approvals
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    Invitation for Lunch/dinner from chutney for all netters

    No Title May be INS nightmare is refering to Indranagar Recreation Club.
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    Invitation for Lunch/dinner from chutney for all netters

    No Title I Second 485 pending. Akbar, Iselin - July 21 fine for me. How do I identify you guys. Going to wear some unusual mask or dress?
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    What\'s the secret of getting through to IIO?

    No Title If you want to be a real winner, have some patience. Using a bad language doesn\'t justify any of your ideas or acts. I am not an authority to stop any of our friends calling IIO. I only said too much crowd that too unnecessary calls are to be avoided. DO you feel happy when you...
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    What\'s the secret of getting through to IIO?

    No Title Imagine.. like you there are thousands of people trying to reach IIO at the same time, some just to check up their serious issues and some just to know the status. How will you get the line? I have seen some of my friends hitting the redial button like a maniac for more than 2 hours...
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    VSC Processing

    No Title DDD You should be approved by Oct 2001.
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    George W. calls for relaxed immigration rules

    No Title Do you believe Politicians? Dont take them seroiusly. In the next meeting he may say a totally different opinion. After all this gentleman is known well for his somersaults. Do you know one thing !! At the end of the meeting after reading out this prepared speech, He was seen asking...
  16. C

    Dont Know Whoever Started This Madness.

    No Title You guys are nuts. Do you know the EAC number is nothing but your RD. For example EAC-01-040-XXX is the application recd on 40th working day in the financial year, i.e, OCT 27th 2000. You also should know that the approvals are based on RD and not ND. So, it is enough if you know...