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  1. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Gini process-nya: 1. Pas ambil visa DV1, anda akan diberi amplop yang tidak boleh dibuka dan harus diberikan kepada petugas immigrasi amerika. 2. Begitu anda sampai di US (pertama kali pakai DV visa) mereka akan ambil amplop-nya dan anda akan diberi informasi ttg Amerika (SSN, Tax, etc) 3...
  2. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hi Phillipus, Bila status AS = Current, artinya semua AS akan dikirim NL yang kedua - tidak peduli dengan CN nya. Bila nomer anda sudah sama atau lebih kecil dari cut off di visa buletin, maka anda akan dikirim NL yang kedua. Tidak menunggu sampai status AS = Current. Regards,
  3. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hi Phillipus.Neri, Tunggu nya di bulan Oktober - jika nomer cut-off sama atau lebih besar dari CN anda. (Soalnya bisa saja nomer cut-off nya tidak berubah pada bulan tsb) Hope this help.
  4. S

    DV2011 Winners from Indonesia Report Here !!!

    Tadinya jg gua udah mau AoS, cuma keliatan nya process nya lebih rumit gitu hehehe ... KeepKeep dimana?
  5. S

    DV2011 Winners from Indonesia Report Here !!!

    Gpp lah, nanti di edit sendiri ... abis mo gmn lagi ... yg 2010 sich udah susah dicari ... hehehe...
  6. S

    DV2011 Winners from Indonesia Report Here !!!

    Oh iya, aku masih perlu bantuan nigh... Ada yg masih punya receipt pas bayar di US Embassy untuk biaya DV2011 processing? Kalau ada, saya butuh scan / foto copy nya nigh, untuk receipt reimbursement dikantor; punya saya hilang. Mohon bantuan nya teman-teman Bisa di email ke
  7. S

    DV2011 Winners from Indonesia Report Here !!!

    Hmmm ... masih sepi yah ... Good luck people... just post any questions you have in mind here =) Cheers.
  8. S

    DV2011 Winners from Indonesia Report Here !!!

    Hallo" ... congratulations yah for all winners... apa lagi yg udah dapet DV nya :) Benz Leo up to date sekali nigh selalu membantu yg baru baru hehehe ... two thumbs up!! Btw, aku perlu bantuan nigh... Ada yg masih punya receipt pas bayar di US Embassy untuk biaya DV2011 processing? Kalau...
  9. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hallo hallo, buat yg baru dapet Diversity Visa nya congratulation yah... Perlu bantuan nigh... Ada yg masih punya receipt pas bayar di US Embassy untuk biaya DV2010 processing? Kalau ada, saya butuh scan / foto copy nya nigh, untuk receipt reimbursement dikantor; punya saya hilang. Mohon...
  10. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hallo hallo ... just wanted to update my status =) Got the DV1 visa and back in the US now... thanks for everybody's participation in this forum. H.huang, iya tuh bener harganya udah naik. BTW, cara tau nya gimana sich ttg fee nya?
  11. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Thanks for the info Coom. Do u know by any chance ngurusin nya brp lama? Thanks, st_kusuma
  12. S


    1. They are not suppose to intervening with your application. But since they know all of your personal information; they can pose as you and change information in your application. 2. Affidavit of Support is a letter from a sponsor stating that they will sponsor you when you come to US...
  13. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    bang erdos, need help nigh... gmn cara nya yah dapetin police clearance dari Australia?
  14. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    bang erdos, need help nigh... gmn cara nya yah dapetin police clearance dari Australia?
  15. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hi Zane, US economy is recovering ... better than last year, tapi masih butut hahaha... I'm in the states.. working.. Disini ada sodara? st_kusuma
  16. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Thanks a bunch Zane!! :) Very helpful for me kok hehe.. ;) Btw, r u in the states?
  17. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hohoo ... first of all congrats yah buat yg udah pada dapet =D and thanks for all of the people who contributes so much to this thread.. i really appreciate it. :) Guys, minta tolong donk... Di second NL dalem nya ada apa aja yah? KCCDV bilang nya udah kirim, tapi belom terima nigh ... I'm...
  18. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    Hi guys, just FYI buat yg mau ngelanjutin study kesini... kalo udah ada GC biasa nya biaya sekola nya jadi murah ... specially buat yg masih freshman & sophomore (2 taon pertama kuliah), bisa daftar di community college dulu... satu semester kira" $500 =) cheers..
  19. S

    DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)

    thanks for the info calvin ;)