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  1. P

    USCIS To Issue Redesigned Green Card

    any advice for my case?
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    USCIS To Issue Redesigned Green Card

    Did someone already received this redesigned green card? I'm still waiting for my SSN et Plastic GC, I entered on April 13th (JFK) and I'm afraid about the timing to get the physical GC and SSN. I've apply for ssn in my local SSA and till now, I've receive nothing. my status on uscis website...
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    Successfull visa interview on jan 04th !!! USA!!! I'm coming soon...

    Successfull visa interview on jan 04th !!! USA!!! I'm coming soon...
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    current of December

    Hello to all Did someone current for december got his date of interview from KCC? :confused:
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    Registration period for DV-2011: October 2 until November 30, 2009

    you're a DV 2010 winner. why do you want to reduce the other's chance
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    November cutt-off

    yesss !!! AFRICA ==>14000 :D :D :D
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    November cutt-off

    Thank you i2009,
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    November cutt-off

    who have this information please :confused:
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    Selectees through the DV-2010 Entrant Status Check

    Tazmania ;) I'm now complete forms in order to send it friday :D I want to be sure i'm not dreaming ... i'm so happy for this low CN :cool:
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    Something Wrong With Online DV2010 Result Check!

    Please, use internet explorer to check your status, it does'nt work for me in google chrome But in IE, everything is allright (for me) is there someone here unable to check his status because of high CN?
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    Website UP!

    is high CN unable to check their status actually? may my CN slow :confused: :confused: :confused:
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    Website UP!

    hocomjason I've not receive my NL I'm unable to check the postal box provided during on line registration
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    Selectees through the DV-2010 Entrant Status Check

    Bafoussam Mon frere ! Le chaud gars de Mvo'o Meka et ses complices n'ont qu'à faire ce qu'ils veulent. si c'est la volonté de Dieu j'y serais, Vive les USA! je pense qu'apres le 1er aout, ils enverrons la NL par mail que tu renverra rapidement par courrier recommandé s'il le faut. gemie4us...
  14. P

    Website UP!

    Please, use internet explorer to check your status, it does'nt work for me in google chrome But in IE, everything is allright (for me)
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    Selectees through the DV-2010 Entrant Status Check

    :p :) :D Hourrrraaaaa !!!! I like the number "3" please ask me why :confused: I'm a selected for the 2010 DV :D after two unsuccessfull attemps. I think I have not received the NL because my Postal address is no longer valid since February. or may be my CN is too high :rolleyes: Thanks, my...
  16. P

    For ONLY MEMBERS, Who Played DV2010 and DIDN'Tt receive their NLs yet

    Region: AF Country: Cameroon Letter to be received in Cameroon Attempt: 3rd
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    DV2010's result is out. True/False?

    ayoussry Thanks a lot for scanning. This thread has no more reason to exist. DV 2010 is effectively out !!!
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    DV2010's result is out. True/False?

    Bongthom i'm also think it !!! Good luck to all
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    DV2010 is out!!!

    Bafoussam lis ma signature en dessous de tous mes posts j'écris: "expecting for a DV2010 NL" = j'espère une notification pour la DV2010. Déjà 2 essais malheureux(DV2008, DV2009) :( :( :( Puisse le seigneur me permettre d'avoir ma chance cette année :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: et toi...
  20. P

    DV2010 is out!!!

    Thanks okorowaa for information... Good luck to you, you'll also be selected.