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  1. M

    FYI managed to get through to II0

    No Title good. At least they told you 1 month after they receive FP. When I had called them last week they told me that they take 2 months to take case for review after FP. I guess INS is not doing anything about Oct/Nov 99 cases as we are seeing on this board that lot of 2000 cases are...
  2. M

    Spoke to IIO today

    No Title v-lost, You probably are right. I told IIO that many cases are getting approved (or received RFE) who are approximately FPed around the same time as me. But then she said every case is diifferent. She did not have appropriate answer for this
  3. M

    Spoke to IIO today

    Hi All, Talking to IIO was really a different experience today. She was talking nicely and willing to give information. My ND/RD id Oct 99 and I did FP on March 10. So I asked her why it is taking so long for approval. She mentioned to me that my case is still in "area for FP to come...
  4. M

    Oct 99 cases

    No Title RD/ND oct 99. FP done on March 10, 2001. Haven\'t heard anything from INS yet. called IIO today and they are saying it will take another 1 month to take case in hand.
  5. M

    Oct 99 cases
