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  1. S

    Wierd question on some of the sections in the application

    All -- I would appreciate some thoughts on these questions. I will be travelling to India for the first time after acquiring my US citizenship -- 1. My father was born in 1945 in what is now Pakistan. Under country of birth on the visa application, what country should I put? India? or...
  2. S

    Wierd questions on applying for Indian visa

    All -- I would appreciate some thoughts on these questions. I will be travelling to India for the first time after acquiring my US citizenship -- 1. My father was born in 1945 in what is now Pakistan. Under country of birth on the visa application, what country should I put? India? or...
  3. S

    Renunciation fees question -- $20 or $175?

    Nevermind it was buried in the instructions - i just noted that they DO ask for proof of naturalization before June 1.
  4. S

    Renunciation fees question -- $20 or $175?

    So looking at all the forms, if I received by citizenship before June 1, 2010 I pay $20 for the renunciation. After that I would pay $175. Considering the form does not ask for a copy of the Naturalization certificate, how would the consulate determine when I got my citizenship? One way...
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    What do I do with my old Indian passport

    Now that my US passport app has been submitted, what do I do with my old Indian passport? Send it in to the embassy?
  6. S

    Newark Successful interview experience

    I had actually made a left turn out of my development at 6 AM on the way to the gym. Cop was driving by... The issue was the left turn but because of my clean record he gave me this ticket. Funny -- the cop actually goes to the same gym as I do. So much for that fraternity :D
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    Newark Successful interview experience

    No, not Gold -- Craig.
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    Newark Successful interview experience

    He was definitely ex-law enforcement. While talking about my other ticket he made the comment that he wrote tickets for 5 years.
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    Newark Successful interview experience

    My appointment was at 1 PM. I reached the building at 11 after parking down the street in the $14/all day lot. No issues getting into the building early. Went to the cafeteria for coffee and to review the 100 questions. There were a few other people sitting around looking through their...
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    Missed two trips in my application

    My Newark interview date is tomorrow, and while reviewing my app I just realized I missed putting down two trips on my app. Both about a week each. I assume I can just tell the IO about the miss? I'll also take a new printout of the page with all trips marked. Can I just hand it to them to...
  11. S

    2008 Tax returns

    I have my interview scheduled for March 12. Because I'm a lazy bum i have not yet had my 2008 taxes done. I assume this will not be an issue considering it's still a month and a few days before the IRS deadline? Of course I'll have copies of 07/06/05/04/03 tax transcripts.
  12. S

    Newark, NJ - N-400 Timeline

    Oath ceremonies for late day interviews All -- My interview is scheduled in Newark for 2 PM on March 12. Just wondering if I'm going to make it through the interview in time for an oath ceremony the same day. Most of the posts on the forum are by people who have morning interviews and...