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  1. D

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Preparing an Argument Following WOM Hi everyone, It has been a while since I've been online (due to graduate studies and selling home) I filed I WOM, went to SDNY for a pre-trial conference hearing on April 29, 2009. Judge Gardephe is the presiding over my husband's case. AUSA tried to...
  2. D

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Hi everyone, It has been a while since I've been online (due to graduate studies and selling home) I filed I WOM, went to SDNY for a pre-trial conference hearing on April 29, 2009. Judge Gardephe is the presiding over my husband's case. AUSA tried to convince the judge to dismiss the case on...
  3. D

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    lazycis, thanks for helping me and I will post any response that I may receive from the AUSA. However, I do wish to share the case with everyone here: SDNY 09 Civ. 2498 (PGG) lazycis, you and other have empowered me to fight for justice when we were feeling so hopeless.
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    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Joint Statement Hope I cont appear to be asking stupid questions buy what is a joint statement as it applies to pretrial conferences? Thanks
  5. D

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Confused I called the AUSA and she informed me that she would call the State Department to remedy the problem but could not promise me anything. I called the pro se clerk's office but the person did not seem to understand the process for Notice of Pretrial Conference. The letter states" Five...
  6. D

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    SDNY Notice of Pretrial Conference lazycis, I filed mandamus action on March 18, 2009 against Janet Napolitano, Secretary et al (namely consul general Islamabad, PK) to compel the embassy to adjudicate my husband's I-130 Visa Application. I live in NYC, so our case was filed at the Pro Se...
  7. D

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    lazycis, I filed mandamus action on March 18, 2009 against Janet Napolitano, Secretary et al (namely consul general Islamabad, PK) to compel the embassy to adjudicate my husband's I-130 Visa Application. I live in NYC, so our case was filed at the Pro Se Office SDNY. Judge Gardephe is the...