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  1. S

    Is there any questions not to ask the icis?

    so this girl has an appt next month to find out information about her 10year gc through marriage.I told her to ask them if she can still get her gc if she leaves her husband before she gets it.we want to be together is that ok or should she not say anything?
  2. S

    Why does it take so long

    Ok this girls 2 year green card expired may 2007 and she is still waiting for her 10year green card oh yea shes doing it through marriage anyways does anyone no how much frickin longer it will be till she gets the 10year gc cause im goin nuts waiting for this thing please help
  3. S

    She does not beleive me

    Ok im trying to get this to leave her husband because were in love.Shes been married for 3 and half years.Her 2 year green card expired last year and is waiting for her 10 year green card.Ive told her she does not have to stay with him no more.I told her she can leave and we can be together.She...
  4. S

    2year GC expired a year ago

    How long will it take me to get my 10year GC Ive been married for 3 years my 2yearrGC expired a year ago.All my paperwork is turned in a year 6months someone please help I called ucis in dallas and they said i had to wait I think its suppose to come in the mail.
  5. S

    Can she Marry Me?

    Hey there this girl is waiting for her 10year gc she has all the paperwork interview just waiting for it in the mail.Married for 3 or 4 years but wants to marry me after she gets her last gc.Can she leave him now to be with me before she gets it or does she have to wait.