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  1. F

    Visa expired in 10 days!! Immigration reform will not happen??

    The immigration reform is not something that we can wait for. Like the previous person say it's not going to pass any time soon and you will only end up hurt if you wait for something that's not even official. Hope you can solve your issue soon.
  2. F

    My NZ Fiancee and I need your help... we love each other and want to marry and return to the US

    Natalia Poliakova is a great lawyer and she's helped a friend through an issue like that.
  3. F

    marijuana conviction

    I hate to state the obvious, but your case is complexed. Again, the best thing you need to do is hire an immigration and possibly criminal attorney. If you don't do something, they might send her away and you do not want to see that happening. Hopefully you can get a solution to all this. Take care