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  1. K

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    I did pick up my OCI cad today. Basically they gave me card & stamped my US passport with lifetime multiple entry Visa for India. They told me to take both the things together while visiting India. I didn't have to be in line for this, just told at the window that I am here for OCI card & then...
  2. K

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    oci update send on 23rd august received on 25th august ack on 4th sep photo scanned 9th oct registration granted on 9th oct document printed on 10th oct
  3. K

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    OCI paper work send to DC on 23rd august received on 25th august ack on 4th sep photo scanned 9th oct registration granted on 9th oct
  4. K

    Philadelphia PA - N-400 Timeline

    the interview lasted for five to ten minutes the paper work were green card N- 400 that is our copy IO gave a sheet of paper in which had 10 question they were from those 100 question of citizenship question.He asked few other question from N-400 standard question which every one has posted we...
  5. K

    Philadelphia PA - N-400 Timeline

    Can somebody answer my question me and my husband had interview on 9th of july everthing went okay except when we went for the interview the paper work that is N-400 was not there from the vermont so they took our N-400 copy and took the interview and told us that you will receive oath letter...