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    How Many NLs???

    Hi Going through the forum there seems to be very few NLs sent out at the moment or am I Dreaming? :) Does anyone think that it is slower this year or are people just receiving NLs and I am being too hopeful?
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    Greencard Accepted but not issued!!

    Hi Quick question about my brothers situation. After years of process (and lawyers fees :)) he went for a final interview where pretty much if stamped for approval would walk out with green card. Was stamped for approval but when they went to process a green card number for him the system...
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    Well done! I wait too!
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    Brother Received Greencard

    Hi My Brother has received his green card just this week. I have been applying through the DV lottery for years (incl. 2010) Can I now get a green card through my brother? Thanks
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    what is stay requirements

    Hi If you were one of the lucky winners of a greencard, what are the requirements regarding staying the US to keep the greencard. I know you have to go on an activation trip to the US....Do you have to stay there for a certain amount of time? Thanks
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    American dream in the face of credit crunch!

    Have you tried bars and restaurants? Good money in tips which should keep ye going until a job in your chosen profession comes about!
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    Urgent help to 2010 question...thanks

    Great - thanks a mil for the responses!
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    Urgent help to 2010 question...thanks

    Hi, I did my application for the 2010 lottery and it went through ok. But I have a major problem. Due to last minute circumstances with work I have to leave the house I am living in and moving away. I will have no connection with the house after that as I was renting and it was the house that...
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    Need Help with photo for DV2010

    There is a photo validator on the for where you can check if your pic os vaild or not
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    Dv 2010

    Here we go again!!
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    Dv-2009 Winners From South America Please Post Here

    GallBladder Am Irish too!! My chances are well gone at this stage! :(
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    Dv-2009 Winners From South America Please Post Here

    GallBladder Hey GallBladder Can you post details of when you received your notification? What date?
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    Dv-2009 Winners From South America Please Post Here

    Too late now! Would say its too late now Santiago! Maybe next year! We can only hope!
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    Do you think that's it???

    Hi all, Do ye all think that all of the 55,000 (or even 99,500) have received their notification at this stage or is there still a chance????:confused: Why would they say that the notification period is until July but then they send out a bulletin to say that people have been notified...