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  1. G

    Your suggestions please

    Go on a Wedensday if possible. Hello Kiran, It is preferable to go on a Wednesday. It is the day when you can freely go and get your passports stamped. Otherwise you are going to join a long group of people... Thanks GRV
  2. G

    Can we use Courtesy copies to get PP stamped

    Yes, Newark PP - Courtesy copy is OK Please do a seach against my name and you will be able hopefully benefit from my experience! GRV
  3. G

    **RFEWAITER Approved..***

    well done, RFE boy! It did come through after all... ! Good luck. As my experience shows, the stamping was a cool deal!
  4. G

    Gundappa Vishwanath - ***stamped At Nwk***

    No Title Prakash, Appreciate it old friend. Thanks to all your private messages, we kept our cool and we are through. I am looking forward to a similar mail from you. GRV
  5. G

    Gundappa Vishwanath - ***stamped At Nwk***

    This may be contrarian thinking, but.. I am wondering what would have been the wait time if you arrive at say 11:45 (after all, the appointment is from 8 - 12). My guess is that it should have probably taken only hour extra. I was beginning to see the movement of people coming to an end...
  6. G

    Gundappa Vishwanath - ***stamped At Nwk***

    Lily Lally.. You said it very succinctly! You got it!.. EOM  
  7. G

    Gundappa Vishwanath - ***stamped At Nwk***

    Walking guide to INS Newark Hello Srinivas, When you get out of the train at Newark, look for the exit sign to street and taxis. You will exit to the main gate and you will see a lot of taxis on your left. On your right is (I think Raymond Boulevard) perpendicular to the McCarter highway...
  8. G

    Gundappa Vishwanath - ***stamped At Nwk***

    No Title Hello 485-P probably now should be called 485-all-done. No, my SS card is still with me. As a matter of fact of I have two old SS cards as well. Same number, different annotations. The latest one (hopefully) will have no caveats... Good luck.. GRV
  9. G

    Gundappa Vishwanath - ***stamped At Nwk***

    My knock is over, Time to get back to the pavilion! -- EOM  
  10. G

    Gundappa Vishwanath - ***stamped At Nwk***

    Passport Stamping at Newark and other stories… Friends, I finally reached another important milestone in my green card journey   - My wife, my 4-year old son and I got our passports stamped at Newark today. Sorry about this long mail. I hope you will find it interesting reading...
  11. G

    Stamping at Newark - Wednesday question?

    I went there yesterday! Please see my separate posting, under my name" "Gundappa V,,,: BTW, I think there is no real deadline by which you should get it stamped. I think going on a wednesday is the most prudent option. There were only about 100 people and you can go late (any...
  12. G

    PP stamping question at Newark

    Courtesy Copy OK?? All, Probably this question has been answered before. Can we get the stamping done using the courtesy copy?? I have the coutesy copy but the lawyer has not forwarded the real one yet. Thanks GRV
  13. G

    Letter to INS

    Not particularly smart, my friend! Good noble thought. But I am not sure if this is such a good way to approach the problem. This kind of "Gandhian" approach is not something that the INS will respond to. The main issue is: Confidentiality. How do you as an interested party ensure you...
  14. G

    Just approved - Thank god! EB2 RIR India

    No Title Prakash, Thanks again. I appreciate again the way you consistently responded when things seem to be taking a dive, using the private email feature. As I have indicated to you privately, this has been a long journey for me too. Let us hope you get approved soon so we can meet (for...
  15. G

    Just approved - Thank god! EB2 RIR India

    Thanks Old Boy! I had the same feeling of freedom this morning... EOM  
  16. G

    Just approved - Thank god! EB2 RIR India

    Guess so.. I guess it basically boils down to the efficiency with which the officer issued the RFE. In my case, I am guessing that he/she issued it as soon as they got hold of our cases. This might seem like the "Stockholm Syndrome" (where the kidnapped (me) starts appreciating...
  17. G

    Just approved - Thank god! EB2 RIR India

    Guess it came a little late in the day - More a \'Late Cut\' than my usual Square Cut  
  18. G

    Just approved - Thank god! EB2 RIR India

    Sorry I am in the tracker but do not have my password any more.. Can some one reset? EOM  
  19. G

    Just approved - Thank god! EB2 RIR India

    Thanks.. AK I AK I : While I knew I was going to be approved, the question as is always the case is: Is it going to be one week, one month or more? Don\'t worry your turn will come soon.. Good Luck. GRV