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  1. R

    Yellowpages travel directory

    High Blood Pressure High blood pressure can make a person’s life in risk in a number of ways. Elevated blood pressure effects not only heart but it can produce devastating effects for kidneys, cardiac muscles, strokes etc. If left unmonitored blood pressure can be dangerous to a certain extent...
  2. R

    Search Both Search Engine

    Hi….. is the first site to place google and yahoo side by side on one split screen. The web site takes the user's query and creates a browser window with two frames, with the results from Yahoo! on one side and those from google on the other. It has completely end up the hassles...
  3. R

    Yellowpages travel directory

    Hi....... is the first site where users can search the top 12 travel sites on one screen, side by side, with a single click. They offer comparison travel sites backed by the most trusted name in the internet community. Regards Yellowpages