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    NSC Interview timeline

    Hi I am planning to go to India for a month in Feb. I am not sure if its safe to do so based on the current time lines at NSC/Chicago. Any idea what is the "average" time gap between (FP Date to interview notice ) and between (interview notice to interview date ) for NSC/Chicago...
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    Worried - Check not cashed

    Sent July 28th 2007 , Check not yet cashed Sent - 7/28/2007 NSC
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    restamping for 1-155 on pp

    expired i-551 stamp I have an expired i-551 stamp on my passport. I am expecting my card in a few days ? Do I still need to renew the card ? Would it be a problem if I take an expired i-551 stamped PP to the INS office ( Should i have done earlier ?) please advice. Thanks
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    Extra EAD -- what to do with it ?

    no problem .. relax its normal .
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    CP Gurus advice needed

    No Title call 1 800 375 5283 .. select options 1 , 3 , 4 when prompted