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    Moving after interview

    I really cannot understand why did they scheduled it in my old address, 7 weeks after I changed it online.
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    Moving after interview

    Thank you for the response. I got the letter because USPS forwarded it to my new address.
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    Moving after interview

    Hello, so here are the facts: 12/13/2012: passed the naturalization interview in Florida. 12/14/2012: put in scheduling queue for oath ceremony. 01/01/2013: moved to California because of job offer (I know... I know... But in this case I had no choice because I don't want to live in my car)...
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    Ds-230 question 31

    "Have you ever been charged, arrested or convicted of any offense or crime? (If answer is Yes, please explain)" I served in the army 14 years ago and comited some minor discipline violations (lating for shift, walking without a special army hat). For this violations i was convicted by my...
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    How can I get the Social Security Number??

    I thougt they sending the SSN automaticly to your adress like the GC, without going to SSA.
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    A strange email from us department of state!!!is it true?!!

    scam, scam, scam The end of US goverment sites is
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    Question about travelling

    It is not a problem If you are going abroad for less then 6 months.