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  1. N

    apply again

    Can anyone help me about this problem? my friend is permanent resident through green card lottery but his wife is out of the State.What is our concern,is it possible that he apply again for lottery(maybe he is lucky) and win because of his status? thanks
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    Police certificate from Kosovo

    Hvala Puno Razgovarao sam sa ljudima koji su za to zaduzeni i mislim da cu uspeti to da sredim i hvala vam jer ste mi puno pomogli. Samo sam 3 dana trazio broj telefona i izgubio dosta vremena. Sto se tice razgovora u ambasadi prvo sam isao kod sluzbenika na salter koji je pogledao dokumenta...
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    Police certificate from Kosovo

    naziv institucije Koji je naziv institucije gde ste izvadili to uverenje?Da li je to opstinski sud ili UNMIK police alpha camp. Alpha camp sam dobio u ambasadi kao nesto gde mogu da trazim,medjutim kada sam zvao rekli su mi da oni to ne izdaju.
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    Police certificate from Kosovo

    unmik Hvala puno,cenim vasu pomoc.Svaka informacija mi je stvarno bitna
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    Police certificate from Kosovo

    I am from Kraljevo and I was in Prishtina from 1997 until 1999 and after that my faculty was in Leposavic. Do you have any address or phone number and name of that UNMIK near Fushe Kosova. I got some people who are trying to help me with that who are in Prishtina but we just heard that the...
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    Police certificate from Kosovo

    Me and my wife passed interview in Belgrade embassy and it was easy but they found that I am missing police certificate from the time when I was student in Prishtina,Kosovo. I tryed to explain that is very hard to get document like that from there but they keep our passports in embassy and...
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    pregnancy before interview

    thank you Thank's guys for your answers! Siaman,did they told you anything else,like to do that x rays or vac.later?
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    pregnancy before interview

    Me and my wife got interview for 24 oktobar and still waiting for 2nd letter. I was in the states for 5 years on H2b visa and she was 2 years on the same. Few days ago we find out that she is pregnant! I would like to know is this situation can be problem for interview?Are there anyone...