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  1. Z

    Continous Residence Stayed outside 10.5 Months

    Hey Man, Whats up. 1 year ago I was exactly in the same situation as you are. Check my previous posts you will find a similar thread that I started a year ago. I had to go back to Australia to finish my undergraduate degree and I stayed in Australia for 11 months. I did a lot of research...
  2. Z

    When should "We" apply for Naturalization ??

    Oh we all had re-entry permits..:D Its just matter of logic and common sense, We were just trying to follow their rules, to not stay outside US for more than 1 year, if we did not need to. I guess at the end, USCIS is just out to screw way or another..:D
  3. Z

    When should "We" apply for Naturalization ??

    Thanks a lot for your replies takadigi,boatbod. I agree with you guys and thats the impression i have but this rule kindda seems weird because think about this..if i was out for 1 more month (making my trip more than 12 months) all my 364 days out of US would have counted..:p now...
  4. Z

    When should "We" apply for Naturalization ??

    Hello All, I am really impressed by wealth of knowledge people seem to have on this forum and was hoping you guys could help me out with my Dilemma. I came to United States with my Mom and Dad, as a Permanent resident, in April 2002.My Aunt had applied for my mom's, dad's and mine...