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  1. K

    US citizen parents sponsoring over 21 son..

    I have 2 questions for the experts on this board: My brother applied for his GC a few years ago, through my mom who is a US Citizen. My brother is 21+, married with 2 kids, and live overseas, and is from Middle east. His priority date is November 2005. I have been following the movement of the...
  2. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Crimminal Immigration Attorney in Manhattan I have been an avid reader of this forum and a minor citizenship 'almost' got approved a few weeks ago, after being stuck in background check for 2 years, and I was hoping to be able to report the good news to everyone on this forum...
  3. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    N-652 i remember that Lotecguy had posted the Interoffice Memorandum dated January 14, 2005 talking about the changes in the N-652 from old fomr to the new form, but he took it down very quickly....there is another copy of the Memorandum on this board that is of very low wuality...does...
  4. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Shvili...yet again, thank you for your responses...i greatly appreciate the quote that you put in there and I will be using it in my filing...I do have a copy of the N-652 and the memo, and will be using it as well...and the strange thing is that despite the fact that my interview was AFTER this...
  5. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Small Help with Paz's OMTD I am using parts of Paz's brilliant OMTD in my case...there is one part that I need help with...for those of you who have read it, there is a paragraph that reads as such: 'It is the law of the Sixth Circuit Court that “where a statute both requires the agency to...
  6. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Thanks Shvili... Luckily, I live 2 blocks away from the courthouse, so I can pop-in and ask any questions i have, and I will do so tomorrow... Also, the another strange thing is that the AUSA in his filing says that the only Court of Appeals to have considered tis issue is that of 5th Circuit...
  7. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    There was never an MTD in my's a slightly different tactic that my AUSA has used...he has been trying to delay the case as long as possible by doing basically nothing...the first conference with the judge, he didn't show up in the judge ordered another conference a month...
  8. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Southern District of New York
  9. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Thanks shvili.... I looked at my case on pacer and there is no other documents after the Judge's Order 2 weeks ago....I am not aware of the Judge giving permission to the AUSA to file a 'reconsideration motion'...However, in the Motion, the AUSA is arguing that " issuing its Order, the...
  10. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Case getting very intersting...could set precedence...need some help Thanks everyone for their help...but the plot in my case is thickening, and I am afraid that this will be the way the AUSAs will start to fight these cases, a bit underhanded and rigorous, and we need to get prepared...
  11. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Discovery phase hello 1447(b) lawsuit, which i filed in January in SDNY is progressing, slowly, but well so far. Although there have been very few cases in this district that have gone to trial, recently the US Attorneys office seems to be fighting a bit harder in court, however, there...
  12. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Recent cases in New York - Southern District Hello everyone, well, my case has been lingering on for the past few months with no discernible change. THE AUSA after initially sounding helpful, filed an 'Answer' on March 7th, right before the 60-day time limit. Then the District Judge assigned...
  13. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Filed my 1447(b) :) Well, I filed my papers today...As promised, I will write a very detailed post alluding to all the steps (and even the very small things that should make it easier for others to file their 1447(b)) after my case is over. I definitely want to give back to this forum as...
  14. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Paz, thanks for all your help....I just finished typing up my ready to file my 1447(b) on Wednesday...I also finished the Civil Cover Sheet...but not sure what to do with the Summons form...I have a blank form I downloaded from Southern District COurt's website, but do I need to...
  15. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Paz, Thank You for your response...once I am done with my entire filing (and hopefully successful conclusion), I will post a detailed and up-t-date story, so that perhaps everyone can benefit from, without having to go through 7000+ posts, like you, I and some others have...anyway, a quick...
  16. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Decided to file 1447(b) in New York City First of all, thank you all, and especially paz and aka808 for your help so far...I am at the beginning of the process, so I am sure you'll be hearing lots from me and I will do the best I can to post details of my step by step experience. I will...
  17. K

    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Need help in NYC I can not begin to tell all of you who have been posting valuable and very detailed information on this site, what an important and honorable thing it is you have done. It is truly a sad time that we, as legal residents of this country, who have been through numerous check and...