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  1. V

    Husband Denied Re-entry

    Hey guys. Sorry I lost this forum. I want to thank all of those who whole heartedly support me in my fight with immigration. I found another site that is more supportive. It is a site full of people waiting for the approval of their I-601 waiver. My husband and I have a legitimate marriage...
  2. V

    Husband Denied Re-entry

    Thanks so much for the support need to know! Some people just need to realize that we are all God's children, even though we were born in different places and into different situations.
  3. V

    Husband Denied Re-entry

    I am in a bad situation, and my children do need their father. I have had to seek the help of a child psychologist because of the behavioral issues I am having with my children. One has started to wet the bed, the other is overeating; another is angry and hurts people, and the youngest cries...
  4. V

    Husband Denied Re-entry

    When we were dating, we knew nothing about immigration laws. It never even crossed our minds, we just lived life like regular people. If we had known, we could've married in 2001 and beat the April 1st deadline. :(
  5. V

    Husband Denied Re-entry

    On the contrary, I believe that my story is another example of why amnesty should be granted to those who are here, have stayed out of trouble, and settled down and made a family. Tax payers will not only pay to support these children when they are little, but they will continue to pay out of...
  6. V

    Husband Denied Re-entry

    My husband entered the U.S. through Tijuana. We met in 1998. We dated until 2002 when we married. We put in our application in 2002. We did not receive approval (a letter stating that your Visa application has been approved) until 2005. We received an appointment to go to Juarez in August...
  7. V

    Husband Denied Re-entry

    I do have a job, and I will not drop out of school when I only have 7 more classes to graduate. I cannot move to where my husband is, because there is no way he can support us on 120 pesos a day. Translated, $12 USD a day! I refuse to uproot my children in the middle of a school year and take...
  8. V

    Husband Denied Re-entry

    I have a question about my immigration situation. Or rather my husbands. I am a USC by birth. My husband and I met 7 years ago and married 4 years ago. He was an illegal alien in the US. We received an approval and were given an appointment for an "adjustment of status" in Ciudad Juarez...
  9. V

    divorce leads to deprtation or not?

    I knew a guy who married a gal and they were married for several years. He gave her the world, and she cheated on him and dumped him for another. He did not lose his paperwork. She was petitioning for him. He got a lawyer and told her what happened and he was granted his papers even though...