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    waiting NIW RFE approval from NSC

    Congrats VSCTONSC.. I'm still waiting..I called the National Customer Service Line today and after going through multiple steps, finally reached a representative. All she could help me with was to submit a query to NSC because my RFE response has been recieved more than 90 days ago. She said I...
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    waiting NIW RFE approval from NSC

    The details of my application are as below Concurrent filing: Sept. 2005 RFE: May 2006 RFE response recieved: Oct 16th 2006 No news from there on..? Obviously its taking them more than 60 days to process the application. We are wondering whether to call up and enquire. Wonder if anyone...
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    No response after NIW RFE submission

    Hello all, I would appreciate it if forum readers can provide any feedback as to how much time it is taking for NSC to respond after recieving a NIW-RFE. We submitted about a month ago, but there's been no news as yet. If it is of any help, my RFE required more evidence that I show more...
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    Help urgently needed: the worst experience of I-140 petition on the board

    HI, I was sorry to read about the complications in your case. One good lawyer (we have consulted him on occasions, though I too have self-petitioned for NIW), based upon a close friend's experience, in the Boston area in Richard Costa. You could try consulting him. By the way your...
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    Please give me suggestion about my NIW case

    I too would recommend that you have in hand the two first author papers that you anticipate and then apply for NIW. My experience (personal and friends' cases) is that people are more willing to write reco letters for you when they have something to judge you by (your papers, unless of course...
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    RFE to NIW response draft suggestions

    Hello everybody, Based upon my previous experience (see thread NIW-NSC RFE) with this forum and the very useful suggestions that I recieved here, I am posting another question regarding response letter to RFE. As a background my RFE requires additional documentation (so more letters...
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    NIW-RFE from NSC

    Thanks for the information Hi all, This discussion has been extremely informative. puma2012NIW, it is encouraging to know you did the original application and RFE by yourself and got it approved, which I have decided to do too. I am incorporating some of your suggestions and now...
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    NIW-RFE from NSC

    Govt employees-reccos I seem to have started quite a heated debate on this topic! I do feel too that NIH scientists could just give an unbiased expert opinion without actively furthering your cause (NIW or whatever), which should probably be the safest way out. That said, people have replied...
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    NIW-RFE from NSC

    Thank you, eb1-doc and NIW-Nov.04 for your replies. Your feedback is going to be very useful for me in drafting my response and given my situation (publications/ citations) I feel resonably confident I can manage this RFE. Just one query directed towards NIW-Nov4; I had written to many NIH...
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    NIW-RFE from NSC

    Hi, I am a regular reader of messages on this forum and have got some useful information here. To describe my siuation I had myself (non-lawyer assisted)applied for I-140 under NIW category Sept. 05 . This was concurrent filing. My case was transferred from VSC-NSC around May 11, 2006 On Aug...