Search results

  1. G

    Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Online Status Closed I have checked my status on the site. The status is as "Closed" on September 11 2006. I have received the 45 days letter in March 2005 and replied back in March 2005, after that I got my 7th year extension on the 45 days letters...
  2. G

    Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Is Online Labor Status Web Site Genuine? I have checked my status on the site. The status is as "Closed" on September 11 2006. I have received the 45 days letter in March 2005 and replied back in March 2005, after that I got my 7th year extension on...
  3. G

    Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Thanks onlyhope of your response. I already informed the attorney of this, Any thoughts will be appreciated, how come this is happend? GC_GreatCard You just need to ask your attorney to sending the proof of responding the 45DL (e.g. Receipt), and they will re-open your case. Happened...
  4. G

    Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Need Help for the "Closed" Status I have checked my status on the following site. The status is as "Closed" I have received the 45 days letter in March 2005 and replied back in March 2005, after that I got my 7th year extension on the 45 days...
  5. G

    Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Does any one have analysis of the EB2\3 Labor approval with PD? Does any one have analysis of the EB2\3 Labor approval with PD? [COLOR=Olive]We can track DBC; which month and year they are running. I heard that they suppose to follow FIFO system but it doesn't looks so far. Any Idea...