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  1. M

    Interview Dates for NOVA residents

    Well, today was my husband's interview and I am glad to report that it was a great day and he is now a giddy American citizen. His appointment was scheduled for 9:40am. We got there about 20 minutes early and didn't know where to park, so we found some street parking a couple of blocks...
  2. M

    Interview Dates for NOVA residents

    Update. My husband finally got his letter. His interview date is December 5th.
  3. M

    Interview Dates for NOVA residents

    It's been another month and still no appointment for my husband. We're coming up on 6 months since applying now... It's depressing. I was reading the other day that the USCIS has decided to enable several more types of Visas to received expedited service (for a large fee). I would imagine...
  4. M

    Interview Dates for NOVA residents

    Thanks, Superstring. I don't know exactly what the namecheck process is. Can someone illuminate? Thanks!
  5. M

    Interview Dates for NOVA residents

    I guess I don't really understand why the security takes as long as it does. My husband has already been through the fingerprinting process twice before (once for his L-2 and again for the Green Card) and didn't raise any flags. It seems kind of redundant and wasteful to do it again. Oh well...
  6. M

    Interview Dates for NOVA residents

    Thanks 2bc. My fingers and toes are definitely crossed. I'm wondering if anyone has some information on the oath process. Can folks really take the oath the same day as their interview? What kind of situation enables that? What kinds of impediments would keep one from being able to do it...
  7. M

    Interview Dates for NOVA residents

    My husband is in the process right now. We haven't heard anything in in several months now. It's frustrating. He has the opportunity to apply for a great job, but they can't talk to him until he gets his citizenship. I wish there was a way to find out about his status, but the web and phone...