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  1. E

    am i eligible for h1-b?? help!!

    Hi everyone, I’m 19 right now, and I came to the U.S when I was 3 (1992) with my parents on a B-2 visa. So my visa is long-due expired. In 2001, my aunt(USC) filed a i-130 petition for my father. My family is still here. I visited a lawyer and he said first I needed to find out if my petition...
  2. E

    Lost and confused, need advice please.

    Hi everyone, I’m 19 right now, and I came to the U.S when I was 3 (1992) with my parents on a B-2 visa. So my visa is long-due expired. In 2001, my aunt(USC) filed a i-130 petition for my father. My family is still here. I visited a lawyer and he said first I needed to find out if my...
  3. E

    Questions regarding my situation, help.

    so what does this cosponsor have to do? or document? how shall i document my relationship? we have some pictures here and there, cards, and letters written to each other.. and thats all i can think about for now. well, i was hoping to legally marrying her soon and after a year or so, have...
  4. E

    Questions regarding my situation, help.

    hi there, who does the co-sponsor have to be? also would there be problems during the interview since we don't necessarily live together yet as well as our ages? thank you.
  5. E

    Questions regarding my situation, help.

    Hi there, I like to know if i can receive some advice regarding my current situation. I'm 19 years old this year and I currently reside in the U.S and I have been living here 16 years without a green card, which means I came here when I was 3. In 2001, my dad filed a i-130 under my aunt who...
  6. E

    Unusual situation, advice needed please.

    yea i looked under the qualifications for the dream act, and yes im qualified. however to my understanding, it was introduced last year, got shot down, got reintroduced and now its within the immigration bill thats "on the table"...and right now, although it got passed the senate, its gonna be...
  7. E

    Unusual situation, advice needed please.

    haha, i wish getting married was that easy. who would marry someone without a job? i wanna marry someone i love.. anyway, i dont have a ss#, however, i am gonna pay in-state tuition, i live in NY. im hoping to do good in school and maybe after i graduate, i'll fall in love with a usc...
  8. E

    Unusual situation, advice needed please.

    I entered the U.S with my family with a B-2 visa and our aunt filed a i-130 for my dad which i am under in 2001, however, if that does get approved, the visa wait list is still in like 1995, which is insane, i have to wait years and years, so im wondering if this is a quicker way to get a GC.
  9. E

    Unusual situation, advice needed please.

    the chances that the bill might pass is really slim so im afraid it'd be pointless. if i did happen to get a F-1 visa back in the states, how long would the process to get a green card be? thank you for all ur input
  10. E

    Advice needed, any information would be great

    Hi there, I like to know if i can receive some advice regarding my current situation. I'm 17 years old, turning 18 in October this year. I currently reside in the U.S and I have been living here 14 years without a green card, which means I came here when I was 3. In 2001, my dad filed a i-130...
  11. E

    Unusual situation, advice needed please.

    Hi there, I like to know if i can receive some advice regarding my current situation. I'm 17 years old, turning 18 in October this year. I currently reside in the U.S and I have been living here 14 years without a green card, which means I came here when I was 3. In 2001, my dad filed a i-130...