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  1. C

    Help!! Conditional GC.. Going through divorce. have a cild together.

    to alimar. No, we are still going through the divorce now. our next court date is at the end of may. our divorce is not finalized yet,
  2. C

    Help!! Conditional GC.. Going through divorce. have a cild together.

    HI! I got my conditional GC on 09/2006 and it expired on 09/2008. My wife and I have been separated since 06/2008. She started drinking and partying like 4 days a week and barely spend anytime with our son. So I kicked her out and hoped she would snapped out of it but she didn't. So I filed for...
  3. C

    Help! I-485 got denied due to lack of prosecution or abandoment.

    I just got a letter from USCIS saying that my I-485 got denied due to prosection/ abandoment on June 9, 2006. here is the reason why it got denied: " On May 10. 2006, You appeared for an interview at the Milwaukee Sub-Office, and at that time you were issued a Request for Evdience. You have...