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  1. A

    Time Gap Between Spouse's Approval

    My husband received his on May 10, and I (derivative) received mine 10 days later. Our asylums were approved the same day and we applied for adjustment the same day, but were approved 10 days apart.
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    TSC Distinguished Club

    Hi everyone. First, I wanted to let you guys know that I just received my GC today. I was approved a week ago, and I was so afraid that it will come not backdated, like my husband's. But it came backdated by one year, so that is great! I do have a question. My new green card has my first and...
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    TSC Distinguished Club

    MGTgrl, thank you for your response. My husband is the principal and I am the derivative, and our receipt LIN numbers are in fact about 35 cases apart. I am just sick&tired of waiting, especially since my husband got it already. It's depressing :(
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    TSC Distinguished Club

    My husband and I have nd 2003. My husband got approved last week (received emails from the INS on Monday and Tuesday, and the got his card on Saturday, although it was NOT BACKDATED, so he is going to ask for a new card). I haven't received anything yet, although we submitted everything at the...