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  1. V

    I130 for an unmarried son over 21 approved after he was removed from US - how to proceed?

    Well, don't we all wish we were so smart and experienced when we were young?
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    I130 for an unmarried son over 21 approved after he was removed from US - how to proceed?

    Well, it is not as easy as it seems. I know he overstayed, but the he really had nothing to go back to. Both my mom and I were here, my father who is still in the home country is a scumbag that abused all of us and we want nothing to do with him. My mom remarried an american citizen and by then...
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    I130 for an unmarried son over 21 approved after he was removed from US - how to proceed?

    Thanks everyone for your responses. I am amazed how many people are willing to give advice so quickly! Just to explain some of the uncertainties: the way he was "caught" was accidental - he was traveling on a train to see my parents in a different state for Christmas. Border patrol was on the...
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    Manchester, NH Time line

    I got my passport and my Naturalization Certificate in the mail today - yay! Thanks everybody for your help and good luck in all your endeavors! Venus
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    I130 for an unmarried son over 21 approved after he was removed from US - how to proceed?

    Hi everybody, I have a dilemma and can't find an answer anywhere, so I'm hoping that someone here has had a similar experience, or maybe there are some experts that can point me in the right direction. Here is the story in a nutshell: My mother has just become a US citizen a few months ago...
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    Manchester, NH Time line

    P.S. question for those of you who took the oath recently - how long did the ceremony last?? I will probably have to go back to work afterwards so need to plan accordingly. Thanks!
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    Manchester, NH Time line

    Thank you! Too bad I won't get my passport it in time for my international trip, but it's ok. As long as I get it by April. My old passport expires on April first and trying to renew it here in the US is close to impossible!
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    Manchester, NH Time line

    Wow, congrats damon_boston! I'm glad it's over for you and that you enjoyed the ceremony. I just received my Oath Letter in the mail yesteday - it's scheduled for February 19th in Concord. Can't wait!
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    Manchester, NH Time line

    Wow, From October till now? That's a long time... I was hoping to get my oath soon so I can get my passport as well - going on vaca Jan 30th myself! My mom got her oath letter a week after her interview and attended the ceremony a week after that (that was in Michigan) I'm quite disappointed :(
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    Manchester, NH Time line

    Hi everyone, I've been following this thread for a while (silently) any updates? damon_boston - did you get your oath out of the way? how long did you wait for it? I've had my interview over 3 weeks ago and still haven't received any letters or notices from USCIS I'm getting a bit...
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    Time Frame To Apply Citizenship after marriage?

    Thanks for all your replies guys. It looks like technically I could file immediately after becoming eligible but d/t all the delays and USCIS' own mess it's better to wait. Great...
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    Time Frame To Apply Citizenship after marriage?

    3 year rule I have a question regarding the 3-year rule: I am currently holding a conditional GC. I will apply for removal of condition next year (I know it's still early but I like to think ahead) but I've heard that sometimes the process takes a while - even more than 12 months. Now my...
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    Resident Mother sponsoring her Son who's in the US illegaly

    Well, unfortunately I do not have the powers to make decisions for him. He overstayed and that's a fact. What I CAN do though is try to help him in a situation that he is in right now. When he stayed he was young and - I don't wanna say stupid - but maybe unaware of the consequences. Now he...
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    Resident Mother sponsoring her Son who's in the US illegaly

    Great discussion people, I'm learning a lot here. I just thought about something: when leaving the US you have to turn in your I-94. But what if - just hypothetically - you lost it. They clip it to your passport with some cheap stapler so lets say it fell off. What now? Obviously you can't...
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    Resident Mother sponsoring her Son who's in the US illegaly

    Hmm, all this doesn't sound very promising for my brother. He really wants to go to college and right now his options are limited. Plus his girlfriend is not a citizen either and it looks like this relationship might lead to something serious so no perspective from this angle. I just wish...
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    Resident Mother sponsoring her Son who's in the US illegaly

    Yeah, well, that's always an option. But we don't want to go that way. We were hoping there is a different legal path that he could take. I mean marrying someone for a sole purpose of getting a GC is plain stupid IMHO. Any other ideas?
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    Resident Mother sponsoring her Son who's in the US illegaly

    I have a question regarding this situation: Both my mother and I are permanent residents, but my brother is not. We would like him to get his GC too, but for obvious reasons I cannot sponsor him, only my mother can. He is in the US at present as he overstayed his nonimmigrant visa which...
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    Any AOS experiences in hartford???

    I interviewed in Hartford, CT in December. It was a very pleasant experience. Short and sweet. We had a female officer, mid-30ties I would say. She was very nice and asked us all the basic questions like how did we meet, how did we get married etc. She asked for proof of joint assets but...
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    interview canceled

    Monica, did you receive a notice via snail mail ( I mean a paper notice) or was it just an email notice or change of online status? Because that makes a big difference. If it's just an email that disregard it and go to your interview as scheduled. If you received a paper notice then...
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    Interview Descheduled-PLEASE HELP!

    Green Card Arrived! I just wanted to post an update: My GC arrived on Friday, a day after my welcome notice. I'm so relieved it's finally over. Thanks everyone for your invaluable input and I wish you luck in your future endeavors.