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  1. J

    lawyer problem

    Thanks, no one ever explained how it works. now it makes sense. I also just found out that our whole file is dead that our first lawyer was working on, he did things ass backwards, that is why he hasnt returned our calls. "according to our new lawyer after getting our file" Thanks
  2. J

    lawyer problem

    Ok I have a new lawyer and he said the I212 wont work becouse she is allredy here, he will try to reopen the asylum so we can go in front of a judge to explain everything and try to get the deportation dropped and start over. I also found out that my old attorney is a bar member of north...
  3. J

    lawyer problem

    My wife and just found out our lawyer is not a state bar member and we are afraid to change becouse all our paperwork is addressed to him, what can we do? Also my wife is in deportation from a so called friend "guevara & Quintanilla in Los Angeles" that told her he could get a green card for...
  4. J

    Travel in the USA

    Does anybody know the best way to get to Phoenix from Oceanside CA. and back without getting stopped by Immigration, Amtrak, Greyhound, Driving, ETC. I am US citizen, wife Illegal mexican. Thanks
  5. J

    I-212 Waivers, Vermont..comments

    we filed i212 may 2001 in california and it said 179-180 days and, well it is almost july 2002 and no word. I wouldnt expect Ins to do anything they say, but make sure you do what they want. good luck
  6. J

    I-212 waiver

    we sent in a i212 "application to reenter" \'california" and received receipt on 6/25/01 it says 179-180 days "1 Day?",we are very close to that time, is this the maximum their computer will put on the notices? I see that processing times are way longer than what our...