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  1. C

    Landing Canada under 7th year H1B in US

    Evidence for staying below 30 days Hi Manass I have one Q related to same topic. Do I need to show any evidence indicating that below 30 days stay in Canada while coming back to USA?
  2. C

    Landing in Canada

    Hi, I got the Canadian PR and want to land in Canada.Right now I am in USA and got 7 th year extension but I dont have valid visa in passport.Shall i come back to USA after landing in Canada without valid US visa? In case if they say NO at the border, Can i go back to US consulate in Canada and...
  3. C

    Canadian PR requires H1B stamping

    Hi, Right now I am working in USA and have Canadian PR .I have valid H1B petition until Sept'2007 but not valid H1B visa in passport.I am planning to Canada and while coming back would the stamping required if i need to re-enter into USA?
  4. C

    H1B stamping in 7th Year

    Hi, My 6 years term is expiring in Apr'06 and i already have the valid petition until Sept'06(Not sure how the 6 year term is calculated as i was out side of US for only 3 months). I also received my 7th year extension starting from Sept'06 to Sept'07. I am planning trip to Canada in...