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  1. M

    485: April RD waiters tracker ...

    My Case has been approved Hi All , My wait got over on April 05, My details are as follows RD 30 April 2001 ND 13 July 2001 FP 01 November 2001 AD 05 April 2002 Category EB2 RIR.( India) State New York.
  2. M

    485: April RD waiters tracker ...

    EAC # My EAC number is EAC 01 223 xxxxx I used to go by Mallyas but unfortunately I lost my password so I had to create this new account
  3. M

    485: April RD waiters tracker ...

    Add me also RD 04/30/2001 ND 07/13/2001 FP 11/01/2001 Category : EB2 Country India
  4. M

    All APRIL filers. Please get together. Here is ours List

    Add me too PD: 7/00 RD: 04/30/01 ND: 07/13/01 FP: 11/01/01 AD: God Knows
  5. M

    Trcker Waiting for approval APR/MAY/JUNE

    Please add me Also to the list RD -- 4/30/2001 ND -- 7/13/2001 FP -- 11/02/2001
  6. M


    EAC is just a notation to say that it is from Vermont Service Center  