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  1. C

    Spouse of asylee-travel issue

    If you have such dread about JFK, you CAN use another airlines by making connecting flights. It may not be a direct flight as it woudl have been from JFK, but you may still go to your destination by making connecting flights and using, say, Newark Airport instead.
  2. C

    Experience at JFK

    Last year when I arrived at JFK with my GC, I waited in line with other GC holders and US citizens. The officer did not ask me anything. I handed her my GC, she scanned it (or whatever they do, as I did not lean in too much to see), gave it back. Did not ask for anything else. I had my NP (not...
  3. C

    What docs to show at the POE?

    Upon my arrival last summer first I gave my GC to the officer and she only looked at my GC to process my admission to the country. I had my NP in my hand but she did not ask for it. Not saying that will happen to you, but that is what happened to me. A GC and NP should be sufficient.
  4. C

    Help forum members! (3) TSC CLUB MEMBERS WITH DENIED I-485 !

    Wow. It is terrible that you guys had to go through that. I don't know what else to say except that I wish you lots of patience because I can only imagine how angry you must be feeling.
  5. C

    please advice urgent

    Use your passport entering Colombia. Use RTD when entering USA. And like others said, bring some proof of your father's condition and you will have nothing to worry about in regards to INS.... I am sorry for your father. As for GC, I say apply for it now, do not waste any time.
  6. C

    My Horrible Experience in Germany....

    I recently came from a vacation from Cyprus with a friend. It was a long trip and I had not slept at all so I was hoping not too many questions would be asked as I did not have the energy to put on a smiley face and look all bright-faced when I was dead tired. The IO at JFK took my GC and NP...
  7. C

    Lawyers' opinions about returning to COP with GC

    My lawyer said you can visit your COP after GC. I don't plan to, but since we are posting what our lawyers have said, that was my lawyer's comment. And his expertise is asylum-related cases from start through to the citizenship level, so he does have experience with the issue. BUT like I said a...
  8. C

    Green card with a mispelled middlename

    After seeing this post, I re-checked my GC (the bottom part with the "<<<<"s) and in the bottom part they put the initial letter of my middle name just like it is at the top, not the full name. I made a google search and found this image in which his middle name is also put on with just its...
  9. C

    TSC Distinguished Club

    I am going to be away from the internetland for a while; and I hope when I get back to the forum, most of you guys will be approved. Good luck all.
  10. C

    After Green Card: Asylum U.S Citizenship Questions

    Hi. All I know about that is from the info on this thread: click here
  11. C

    VISA Information for Countries

    You still need RTD to enter back to USA. You do not have GC yet, so you need to have some sort of travel document with you. Just NP alone will not be enough to let you back in the USA.
  12. C

    Adopting a child

    But does it apply to only bio children? if she adopts the kid, it will be legally her kid. USAsylee, I don't know; it is an interesting question. I think it is best if you consult a lawyer, unless in INS regulations it strictly says it has to be a biological child for him/her to be a...
  13. C

    Finally Received the Card!

  14. C

    How did you Celebrate/How do you celebrate after Greencard secured?

    It was a moment of Yay!!! and then soon after I started to count down for the citizenship application. It was moving from waiting for one thing to waiting for another, but of course with a certain sense of relief to have gone through a step that initially (before caps were dropped) I thought...
  15. C

    TSC Distinguished Club

    I am guessing it will be sooner than that. I am thinking a bunch of TSC approvals will start rolling before the end of next week.
  16. C

    Question For Refugee Travel Document

    OK, since you are asking for experiences, you can make a search on this forum and you will find many threads made by people who used their NP and GC and did not have any problems at the port of entry in USA. While I have been posting here, I have seen quite a few of such threads. And since there...
  17. C

    ND Dec 2004 got welcome notice

  18. C

    VISA Information for Countries

    Congratulations tata. This is just my two cents/advice/opinion.
  19. C

    Question For Refugee Travel Document

    Of course you can choose whatever option that fits best for your situation . You asked why one needs RTD after they get GC. It is because some people can not renew their NP or lost their NP. And some who already have a valid, unexpired NP (like Oliver) can use their GC with their NP to travel...
  20. C

    Question For Refugee Travel Document

    I don't think I said I or anyone should expect to get an RTD after renewing their NP, so I am not sure why you quoted my post and talked about renewals. I am aware that one can not get an RTD after renewing their NP. I actually did not mention about renewal of NP in that post at all. I was...