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  1. V

    What do I need to bring to Oath Ceremony

    what to take to oath ceremony Besides the green card and filled out form the oath letter asks me to bring reentry permit aor refugee travel document and any immigration document that I may have. Both these boxes are ticked. I dont have any reentry permits or refugee travel documents. Also...
  2. V

    Travel after N400 interview & before oath

    Do I need any special permission to travel after the N400 interview and before the oath. I received the oath letter today and one of the questions it asks if I have travelled outside the US after the interview and before the oath. Also, it aks to bring along reentry permeti or refugee travel...
  3. V

    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Interviewed Today The interveiw today (1/11) was straight forward. I asked him about the oath and he said I can expect it in February (possibly). Location will be Campbell. Thanks everyone.
  4. V

    interview: what if I get one question wrong

    Hi, Just curious, what if I get one question wrong in the interivew. Do I fail? V_nr2000
  5. V

    Lost Passport and Travel Dates

    Hello All, I am scheduled for US citizenship interview in SJC on Jan 11th. I had lost my passport early last year and have a new one wich is pratically blank. I am concerned on validation of my travel dates over the past five years. I dont have a copy of the old passport either. Any...