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  1. N

    employer had layoffs impact on PERM!!!

    Hi all, Is it that bad when employer had layoffs in the same area of intended emploeyment in the occupation invovled within the last 6 months? so basically answering questions 26 and 26-A were "YES"....has any got PERM approved with same answer?
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    Filing PERM without recapturing an old PD

    hi merovingian, So Iam guessing u didnt recpature your old LC PD and that how u got certified faster. My question is: did you request a withdrawal separately later...and when was that compared to the time you filed PERM and got certified? thanks
  3. N

    Filing PERM without recapturing an old PD

    Greetings, I wonder if any has filed PERM and didnt ask to recapture the old PD of an old LC in the BEC. Please share your experience and whether DOL has any issues with that.
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    PERM approved and BRC LC

    Hi mar2004.... I still really would like to know the exact question that was in the application. was it something like "Do you wanna keep your old PD?" or was it like "do you have a pending LC case?" -> implying that if you answer yes..then u wanna keep your PD. thanks.
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    PERM approved and BRC LC

    hi mar2004, congrads on ur PERM aproval.....could you please specify if you have filed paper or online? and what exacly the question was to keep or not keep the old priority date. was it asking that if you have a pending case in the BEC?? if thats did u answer NO to that to have a...
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    Conversion from BEC to PERM

    alohaahola...congards. Could you tell us please if you had to withdraw your pending RIR first.? and weather the job position is exactly the same when you filed PERM.?? I am really surprised from the responses we get from out attorneys!!!! for those who dont want to transfer the PD (becs it is...
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    Conversion from BEC to PERM

    guys, I think the important question is: can we really file a new PERM case while there is one in the BEC??? My understanding from my attoreny is tha, once u apply for PERM, you mark a box in the application that asks if you have one in the BEC. My old LC was filed in march 2005, so very much...